N64Recomp / N64Recomp

Tool to statically recompile N64 games into native executables

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add a mode to the recompiler where it can accept a symbol definition file instead of an elf file

Mr-Wiseguy opened this issue · comments

This will significantly simplify the build process of recompilations, since it will bypass the requirement to build a decompilation/disassembly before building a recompilation. This can also be used in patch recompilation so that it can handle relocations automatically.

The symbol definition file will need to include section ROM offsets and base VRAM addresses, symbol parent sections and VRAM addresses, and sizes for function symbols. It could also accept file boundaries so the recompiler can emit multiple functions per file, which would speed up configure and build steps for recompilations.

Hi, thanks for this great project!
I'm trying to package this for NixOS, so I'm trying to automate the whole building.

I'm at the stage where Zelda64Recomp is only missing the RecompiledFuncs and I have the N64Recompiler and the ROM ready.

When stracing N64Recomp us.rev1.toml, I see that it's looking for a mm.us.rev1.elf file.

I'm not sure I understand what this file is supposed to be.

Could you give a few more details? Thanks!