N2MGAMING / AutoPull

AutoPull is a Python script that automates the process of updating multiple GitHub repositories. It simplifies the task of keeping your repositories up-to-date by automatically executing the `git pull` command for each repository in a specified folder.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AutoPull is a Python script that manages a configuration file and automates the process of updating multiple GitHub repositories using the git command.


  • Python 3.x
  • Git installed and configured

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository or download the AutoPull.py file to your local machine.

  2. Configure the AutoPull.conf file:

  • Automatic Configuration : (You need to run the script as root to create the /etc/AutoPull/AutoPull.conf automatically. If you don't have root access, you can change AutoPull.conf path in the script config_src variable.)
    • If the AutoPull.conf file doesn't exist, the script will recreate it with default settings.
  • Manual Configuration : (You can copy the default configuration presented below.)
    • Create the AutoPull.conf at the chosen path (config_src).
    • Open the AutoPull.conf file in a text editor.
    • Modify the src value to specify the path of the folder containing the GitHub repositories you want to update.
    • Optionally, adjust the VerboseGit and Debugging settings according to your preferences.
  1. First run of the script:

    python AutoPull.py

    The script will read the configuration file, retrieve the repository paths and then ask the user for each repository found if they want to allow the Auto-update.

  2. Run the script:

    python AutoPull.py

    The script will read the configuration file, retrieve the repository paths and the allowed paths in order to compare them and add new folders if they are detected, and then, it will update the allowed repositories using the git pull command.

  3. Review the output:

    • The script will provide updates and status messages for each repository being updated.
    • If the VerboseGit setting is enabled, detailed output from the git pull command will be displayed.


  1. The configuration file (AutoPull.conf) is used to specify the settings for AutoPull. Here's an example of the default configuration:
#This file should be modified with caution, misconfiguration can result in complete disfunction of the program
#The src value should point to the folder containing all the GitHub repositories that the user wishes to Auto-Update


src = /path/to/repositories/
VerboseGit = on
Debugging = off
  • src: The path of the folder containing the GitHub repositories to update.
  • VerboseGit: Determines whether to display verbose output from the git pull command.
  • Debugging: Enables or disables debugging mode for additional output and information.
  1. AllowedRepos file contains all the repositories that AutoPull detected in the src folder specified in AutoPull.conf. The user can disable the update of a specific Git repository by changing the Allowed value stated next to the repository's path in this file. As a result, the script will ignore this repository.

N.B :

  • AutoPull will detect new folders and ask the user if they want to allow the Auto-update .
  • You can include folders not present in src by adding their path in AllowedRepos followed by = Allowed. Don't change the file structure. This can lead to a break of the script, read the Troubleshooting section if this occurs .


  • If the AutoPull.conf file is missing, and you don't have write permission to recreate it, make sure to switch to the root user or an account with sufficient privileges.
  • If any errors occur during the execution of the script, ensure that you have the necessary permissions and that Git is properly installed and configured. If it's the case, then, the problem is due to the configuration of the script. All you have to do is deleting AutoPull.conf and AllowedRepos.


  • The script assumes that Git is installed and configured correctly on your system.
  • It only supports updating repositories using the git pull command.
  • The script doesn't handle all possible error scenarios, such as network issues or conflicts during the update process.


Contributions to AutoPull are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to modify and customize this README file according to your project's specific requirements and guidelines.


AutoPull is a Python script that automates the process of updating multiple GitHub repositories. It simplifies the task of keeping your repositories up-to-date by automatically executing the `git pull` command for each repository in a specified folder.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%