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Mysticon Legends: Exploring Sui Move from a Game Developer's Perspective. An engaging Sui Move workshop for the Play Beyond - Sui Gaming Summit in San Francisco on March 19, 2024.

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Mysticon Legends: Exploring Sui Move from a Game Developer's Perspective

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Mysticon Legends

Welcome to the Mysticon Legends, an engaging blockchain-based game where players collect, train, and battle with mythical creatures called Mysticons. Powered by Sui Move, this game introduces a unique ecosystem of NFTs, allowing players to truly own, upgrade, and trade their Mysticons in a vibrant, dynamic world.

Game Overview

In Mysticon Arena, each player embarks on a journey to discover and nurture a variety of Mysticons, each possessing unique abilities and powers. From fiery dragons to mystical unicorns, your Mysticons will grow in strength and skill as you train them for battle. Compete in the arena, uncover treasures, and climb the ranks to become the ultimate Mysticon Champion.


  • Collectible Mysticons: Discover a variety of mystical creatures with unique abilities.
  • Exclusive Minting: Only the game admin can mint Mysticons, ensuring exclusive in-game characters.
  • Give Admin rights to more administrators: Every new admin will be able to perform administrative tasks
  • Custodial Wallet Play: Mysticons live in game-managed custodial wallets, facilitating secure and seamless player interaction.
  • In game Evolution: Performing specific actions (e.g., training Mysticons) enables the game to upgrade Mysticon abilities..
  • Enhance Msticon abilities with Creatures: The newly created creature is attached as a dynamic object field to the Mysticon.
  • Ownership & Trading: Players have the freedom to export Mysticons from the game, holding or trading them with others.
  • GamePass Reintegration: To return a Mysticon to the game, players purchase a GamePass, transferring the Mysticon back to a custodial wallet to continue their train.


Frostwing Starshine Stoneheart Galeclaw Emberflame
Frostwing Starshine Stoneheart Galeclaw Emberflame
The Frost Dragon, Frostwing, commands the ice element with its ability to unleash a devastating Ice Storm, slowing and damaging enemies over time. Starshine, the Mystic Unicorn, radiates healing and hope, with its Healing Aura gradually restoring health to itself and nearby allies. The Terra Golem, Stoneheart, embodies the earth element, with its Earthquake ability causing tremors that can damage and potentially stun all enemies. Galeclaw, the Storm Griffin, masters the air with its Lightning Strike, calling down a lightning bolt to deal massive damage to a single target. Emberflame, the Blaze Phoenix, epitomizes fire, with its Phoenix Rebirth allowing it to revive with full health once per battle.


Glimmerwing Pyroclaw Frostbite
Glimmerwing - A mystical fairy-like creature with iridescent wings that shimmer in the light. Pyroclaw - This small dragon hatchling breathes miniature flames and thrives in the heat of battle. Frostbite - A playful yet fiercely loyal arctic fox spirit that radiates a chilling aura.

GamePass: Your Gateway to Mysticon Evolution

In Mysticon Arena, the evolution and training of your Mysticon are paramount. The "GamePass" system ensures your Mysticons continue to advance, offering a seamless bridge between in-game progression and true NFT ownership.

Why GamePass?

  • Continuous Training: Allows your Mysticon to keep evolving, unlocking new strengths and abilities.
  • True Ownership: Export your Mysticons to your personal wallet, maintaining their development potential.
  • Seamless Re-entry: Reintegrate your Mysticon into the game easily, resuming their growth and adventures.

How It Works

Exporting Mysticons: Securely export your Mysticon to your personal wallet for true ownership and flexibility.

Using GamePass

When you're ready to reintegrate your Mysticon into the game, use a GamePass to unlock its training status, allowing it to continue growing and evolving within the Mysticon Arena ecosystem.

GamePass empowers you to manage your Mysticons across platforms while ensuring they remain an integral part of their digital world, ready to train, evolve, and compete.

Deployment and Usage Guide for Mysticon Legends Contracts

1. Setup your environment

This guide outlines the steps for deploying and using the Mysticon Legends contracts on the Sui blockchain. Ensure you have both Sui and Node.js installed on your machine before proceeding.

1.1 Cloning the Project

Start by cloning the Mysticon Legends project repository:

git clone

1.2 Verifying Sui Installation

Check that Sui is installed successfully on your system:

sui --version

1.3 Configuring Sui for Devnet

Configure the Sui client to use the devnet RPC:

sui client new-env --alias devnet --rpc

1.4 Switching to the Devnet Environment

Change your Sui client to the devnet environment:

sui client switch --env devnet

1.5 Creating a New Sui Address with your keypair

Create a new account and save the recoveryPhrase for later use:

sui client new-address ed25519

1.6 Switch to you new Address

Make your active address to be the newly created:

sui client switch --address {alias}

1.7 Acquiring Devnet Sui Tokens

Claim test Sui tokens by replacing {address} with your actual Sui address:

curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "FixedAmountRequest": {
            "recipient": "{address}"

1.8 Verify your Sui token balance:

sui client gas

2. Deploy Your Smart Contracts on Devnet

2.1 Preparing the Publish Script

Navigate to the /setup directory and grant execute permissions to the script:

chmod +x

2.2 Installing Dependencies

Install necessary library dependencies:

npm install

2.3 Deploying Contracts

Deploy your contracts to the devnet and populate the .env file in the setup/src folder:

./ devnet

2.4 Configuring the .env File

Open the src/.env file and fill in the ADMIN_PHRASE with the recoveryPhrase from your Sui account creation and the ADMIN_ADDRESS with your Sui address.

3. Run Typesctipt code to invoke your module functions

3.1 Minting a New Mysticon

Navigate to the src/ folder to run scripts. To mint a new Mysticon:

ts-node index.js mintMysticon

3.2 Updating Mysticon Power Level

To update the power_level, add the Mysticon object ID you received after minting and run:

ts-node index.js updateMysticonPowerLevel

3.3 Attach a Creature to a Mysticon

To attach a newly created Creature to an existing Mysticon you must pay a fee of 50 power_level points:

ts-node index.js attachCreature

3.4 Locking a Mysticon

Lock your Mysticon:

ts-node index.js lockMysticon

3.5 Creating a Display Object

To create a Display object for viewing on the Sui Explorer:

ts-node index.js

3.6 Burning a Mysticon

If your Mysticon is not locked, you can burn it to receive a storage rebate:

ts-node index.js burnMysticon


Mysticon Legends: Exploring Sui Move from a Game Developer's Perspective. An engaging Sui Move workshop for the Play Beyond - Sui Gaming Summit in San Francisco on March 19, 2024.


Language:Move 54.9%Language:JavaScript 36.5%Language:Shell 8.6%