Myridium / passext

Chrome extension for ZX2C4 pass

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An extension that connects the Google Chrome browser and ZX2C4 pass.


This is pre-alpha quality software, the result of a three day project. It will crash your browser, leak your passwords and destroy your home. This is actually my first Chrome extension and I am no expert javascript programmer. I wrote this because I needed it.


I assume that you are familiar with ZX2C4 pass and that you have the necessary skills to follow the instructions below. The development system is Arch Linux, and I use the open-source variant of Google Chrome called Chromium. You need a working Python 2.x installation.

How it works

The extension needs access to the pass database and gpg for decryption. Due to Chrome's security model, the javascript code of the extension is cut off from the outside world. The only way to get things done is through Chrome's Native Messaging API, which allows an extension to communicate with a single designated executable that has to be registered beforehand. In passext, a Python 2 script called passext-host is used for that. It is located in the host/ subdirectory along with the required manifest json file.

For more information look at the code, it is rather well-documented.


Installation requires a good deal of manual work at the moment.

  • Clone the repository from
  • Create one of the following directories:
    • $HOME/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts: if you use the closed-source Chrome browser.
    • $HOME/.config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts: if you use the open-source Chromium browser.
    • /etc/opt/chrome/native-messaging-hosts: if you want to install passext-host system-wide (works probably only with closed-source Chrome, but I haven't tested that yet).
    • $HOME/Library/Application Support/Chromium/NativeMessagingHosts: if you're using Chromium on OSX
  • Copy the file host/de.gustaebel.passext.json to the directory you just made.
  • Switch on Chrome's developer mode under chrome://extensions.
  • Use the Load unpacked extension button that has just appeared, and point it to the app directory inside the cloned sources that contains the manifest.json file.
  • Put the ID string that shows up on the third line of the installed extension's information text in the clipboard, it looks something like gkoaeogpibocnapaolecalmngkkdbjdi.
  • Edit de.gustaebel.passext.json, put the absolute path to the passext-host script in path and replace the ID in the chrome-extension:// field in allowed_origins with the ID you have in the clipboard.

The password database

passext expects a particular format of the database entries so that it can match the URLs of webpages to credentials in the password database and can extract all useful information.

  • One file per credential.
  • A file must consist of the password as the first line, and a minimum of two following lines with key-value pairs that contain the login name and the url.
  • Keys are separated from values by a colon.
  • The key to use for the login name may be one of login, user, username or name.
  • The key to use for the url may be one of url, uri, host or homepage.
  • Additionally, if there is a key called pattern it is used to match against web page URLs instead of the url field. It is a simple Python fnmatch pattern similar to the shell globbing syntax.

An example:

login: gustaebel
pattern: **


passext is easy to use once it is set up properly. At the right side of the location bar there is a gray P icon. If you click it the passphrase dialog appears that lets you unlock the password database. On success the P icon turns green.

From now on, everytime you visit a page that has an html password input field and for which a set of credentials is found, a green bubble appears beside it that asks you if you want to insert the password into the input field.

Input fields for login names are sometimes hard to detect because they are not standardized the same way as password fields. passext uses a heuristic to find them. If the wrong input field was chosen or if it could not be detected at all, you can use the right-click context menu to insert login name and password into any input field you like to.

Password management

It is not planned to add support for managing (adding,changing,removing) passwords to passext. That's what the pass programm is for.


passext is licensed under the GPLv2. It contains a copy of jquery.js which is MIT licensed.


Chrome extension for ZX2C4 pass

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:JavaScript 52.9%Language:Python 36.1%Language:HTML 11.1%