MyOnlineStore / tech-assessment

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Hi there!

First of all, thanks for your interest! This assessment is made out of 5 steps and heavily relies on your Docker knowledge and/or inquisitiveness. As most of the time in the technical world there are multiple paths you can take. Which one do you take, and can you e.g. explain why you've made choice X over Y?

This assessment will contain a small example application written in PHP. No worries though! Knowledge about PHP is not a requirement for this assessment.


Task #1 - Docker

Create a working Docker container to serve the app/ content.


  • The used PHP SAPI needs to be fpm;
  • The container(s) can be started through docker-compose;
  • The content must be served from the /app directory within the container;
  • The web server needs to be exposed on port 8123.

The end result should look something like this (The PHP version may differ): Task #1 Result

Task #2 - Storage

Try to upload the image as provided in resources/image.jpg and get the storage system to work according the set requirements.


  • The following file needs to be uploaded: resources/image.jpg;
  • The uploads needs to be placed in /app/uploads;
  • The uploaded image persists over container restarts.

The end result should look something like this (The PHP version may differ): Task #2 Result

Task #3 - Security

Mark the container(s) as read-only.


  • The upload functionality as described in Task #2 should still work.

The end result should look something like this:

# executed within the running container
touch /home/hello.txt
> touch: /home/hello.txt: Read-only file system

Task #4 - Deployment

As requirement in Task #1 you probably have used docker-compose until now. This tool is very powerful for local development and testing but for deployments, not so much. With this final step we want you create a "production"-ready Docker image that can be deployed to Kubernetes.


  • The image tag needs to be prefixed with sandwich-sre\;
  • The directory app/ may not be used as a direct volume mount;
  • When starting the container the application should be fully functional (as per previous steps);
  • Create the YAML file(s) that are needed to deploy the application image to a Kubernetes cluster.

Task #5 - Automation

Task #4 is a combination of several commands and actions. Can you find a clever way to automate this?


  • The image tag prefix needs to be configurable;
  • There should be an easy way to build and start the containers;
  • Use any kind of template tooling that enables the deployment of a variety of images, preferably also usable for different applications.



Language:HTML 76.4%Language:PHP 23.6%