MxBoud / ArduinoStrobeController

Script for using an Arduino to control a LED strobe light

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Arduino Strobe controller

Arduino Strobe controller is a project to build a low cost LED strobe light, mainly for cool physics demonstrations. It uses two Arduino [one master (Arduino Uno with a LCD Keypad Shield) and one slave (nano)]. The master arduino is used to define the pulse frequency and its duty cycle. It is manually controlled from the LCD Keypad Shield. These settings are then sent to the slave Arduino using serial communication (RX and TX pins).

The slave Arduino is using a timmer interrupt from the Timer1 library to generate a pulse of adjustable pulse in digital pin 9 (PWM). The current circuit is using two Arduinos sinces I haven't figured a way to setup a timer interupt without messing up with the LCD on the main arduino. If ever somebody know how to do that, I would really apreciate to learn from you!


Upload the LCD_Strob.ino script to the master Arduino and the PWM.ino stript to the slave Arduino.



First working prototype

For now, I'm only driving a small LED without an external power source, as seen in the picture... but it works! :) First prototype

Library requirement


Specific hardware requirement

LCD Keypad Shield


Script for using an Arduino to control a LED strobe light


Language:Arduino 100.0%