Mupu / jai-string

String modules for Jai

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String modules for Jai

  • Strings provides procs which mutate strings in place or return information or string-views.
  • Strings_Alloc provides procs which return allocated data.
  • Scratch provides a simple allocator for doing multiple operations in a row without grabbing more memory on each one. Info

For example, you could import and use them like this:

#import "Strings";
heap_strings :: #import "Strings_Alloc";
scratch_strings :: #import "Strings_Alloc"(scratch_allocator);
temp_strings :: #import "Strings_Alloc"(temp);
#import "Scratch";

main :: () {
    trimmed := trim("  Some test string  ");  // in Strings, does not allocate

    words := temp_strings.split(trimmed, #char " "); // allocated in temporary storage

    banner := heap_strings.join(words, #char "\n"); // allocated with default allocator

To use clone the repo then copy the Strings, Strings_Alloc and Strings_Shared folders into your jai/modules folder, or symlink them: mklink /d c:\jai\modules\Strings c:\repos\jai-string\Strings Optionally do the same for the Scratch folder if you want to have access to the scratch allocator.


Character Comparison

By default characters being compared between two strings are compared using the case_sensitive function (unless you override it with the module parameter). In this library, any procedure which involves comparing strings will take a compare parameter in which you can specify a different procedure from the default. For example:

    assert( contains("Hello", "h")              == false );
    assert( contains("Hello", "h", ignore_case) == true  );

The comparator is a struct; you can make your own like this:

are_numbers :: Character_Compare.{
    (a: u8, b: u8) -> bool {
        return (a >= #char "0" && a <= #char "9")
            == (b >= #char "0" && b <= #char "9");

share_case :: Character_Compare.{
    (a: u8, b: u8) -> bool {
        if is_alpha(a)
            return is_alpha(b) && is_upper(a) == is_upper(b);
            return !is_alpha(b);

The two comparators built-in to the module are case_sensitive, ignore_case.

(The other two options to .CUSTOM are .CASE_SENSITIVE and .IGNORE_CASE: you may roll your own versions of those comparators if you wish, and by choosing the relevant identifier the correct SIMD optimisations will be invoked - however, there's not a lot of point in doing so...)

Tool types: u8 / [] u8 / string / Index_Proc

In a string library it is often the case that you have a string which you are applying an operation to using a tool parameter. In this library there will generally be four version of such procedures, a version each for when the tool is: u8, [] u8, string. As tools these types behave consistently across the library. The first three are simple, built-in types, and work like this:

  • u8
    The single character specified will be used.

  • [] u8
    A match to any of the characters in the array will be used.

  • string
    The exact string will be used: i.e. the characters specified in the sequence specified.

For example:

    assert( trim( " apple  ",    #char " "        )  == "apple"  );
    assert( trim( "banana pear", cast([]u8) "ban" )  == " pear" );
    assert( trim( "banana pear", "ban"            )  == "ana pear" );

Additionally, any time the tool is a string you may specify an Index_Proc. An Index_Proc is a procedure with the signature:

(haystack: string, needle: string, boundary_index: int, reverse: bool) -> from_index: int, to_index: int, found: bool

This allows you to feed an arbitrarily complex pattern match into the procedure you are using. When using an Index_Proc, a character comparator is not used (as your own code is instead).

For example:

    question_mark_index :: (haystack: string, needle: string, boundary_index: int, $$reverse: bool) -> from_index: int, to_index: int, found: bool {
        if reverse {
            from_index, to_index, found := reverse_index_proc(question_mark_index, haystack, needle, boundary_index);
            return from_index, to_index, found;
        else {
            index := slice_index(haystack, boundary_index);
            if index >= haystack.count  return -1, -1, false;

            for haystack_index: index .. haystack.count - needle.count {
                for needle_index: 0 .. needle.count - 1 {
                    c := needle[needle_index];
                    if c != #char "?" && c != haystack[haystack_index + needle_index]
                        continue haystack_index;

                return haystack_index, haystack_index + needle.count, true;

            return -1, -1, false;

    assert( starts_with("Hello World", "He??o", question_mark_index) == true );

Notice the use of reverse_index_proc to handle when the reverse parameter is set. This is a library procedure that you can use if you don't want to write out the reverse algorithm yourself, but note that it is extremely inefficient!

In the docs below, any time a type of %Tool is specified, it means there are four versions of the procedure, each corresponding to the behaviour described above (the fourth being string+Index_Proc).


By default the library will support up to 16 threads. If you want more then you need to set the Strings_Shared program parameter max_thread_count.

i.e. before importing any other of these modules, do:

strings_shared :: #import "Strings_Shared"()(max_thread_count=32);


This module provides procedures which predominantly interact with string views; i.e. the jai string type. None of the procedures in this module allocate: to generate new strings from old ones see the Strings_Alloc module below.


  • compare
    Default comparator used to check if two string characters are equal. You may change it using set_default_compare. One of:

  • index_algorithm
    Determines the default string search algorithm to use, can be changed later using set_index_algorithm. One of:

      Simplest algorithm, no memory overhead.
      Boyer-Moore algorithm. Fastest tested scalar algorithm overall, has a small memory footprint that increases with needle size.
      Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Another fast algorithm, with a similar memory footprint.
  • strict
    By default the module will be fairly permissive of inputs, doing the Right Thing without error for odd values (indices outwith the string for instance). Setting strict to true will make the module behave more stringently, erroring on such inputs.

A note on indexing algorithms

Whereas other functions in the library will utilize SIMD features (SSE2 & AVX2) when told to with the set_simd_mode command, you must explicitly set an index algorithm to use them if that is what you wish*: the default indexing algorithm is scalar Boyer-Moore, because it is good on practically any dataset; a safe choice. Choosing a different indexing algorithm can provide impressive performance improvements, but this depends on the dataset you are working on (the specific strings and substrings you are searching with). SIMD algorithms can be orders of magnitude faster, but they can also be catastrophically slow when facing degenerate datasets. If you want to get the most performance out of the library then you should choose an appropriate indexing algorithm for your dataset.

To help with this there is the index_profile.exe tool (in the tools/ folder): provide it with a file and a typical search string from your data and it will show you how each available algorithm performs with the data you are manipulating.

* (Though all the built-in indexing algorithms will detect if the needle is a single character long, and if so will use the relevant built-in character index algorithm, which will obey set_simd_mode)


  • set_default_compare (character_compare := default_compare)
    Sets the compartor used to check if two characters match.

  • set_index_algorithm (first_index_proc := default_first_index, last_index_proc := default_last_index)
    Sets the index procedures used internally when searching through strings with strings (for replace, split, etc.)

  • set_simd_mode (mode)
    Sets whether to use SIMD optimisations. One of:

    • .OFF
      Disables all SIMD optimisations, utilizing scalar code only.
    • .AUTO
      Uses the fastest SIMD instruction set available on the CPU.
    • .SSE2
      Uses SSE2 (128bit) optimisations. This is the default.
    • .AVX2
      Uses AVX2 (256bit) optimisations.
  • char_as_string (char: *u8) -> string
    Returns a string view on the single character specified.

  • reverse_index_proc (index_proc: Index_Proc, haystack: string, needle: string, boundary_index: int) -> from_index: int, to_index: int, found: bool
    Can be used to automatically make a reversed version of an Index_Proc (see question_mark_index example above). It does so in an extremely inefficient way; if you care about the performance of the reverse search then you should code it directly.

  • slice (str: string, from_index: int, to_index: int) -> string, normalized_from_index: int, normalized_to_index: int
    Returns a string view inside str, between the specified indices. You may use a negative index to specify backwards from the end of the string. If you do not specify a to_index then it will include all characters up to the end of the string. The last two return parameters are the positive indexes the slice ends up using, after validation.

  • slice_index (str: string, index: int) -> normalized_index: int, valid_when_strict: bool
    Returns the validated and normalized index which would be used with the provided string, as well as whether such an input would be valid in strict mode.

  • unsafe_slice (str: string, from_index: int, to_index: int) -> string
    Same thing as slice, but without any checking on the indices, and without being able to use negative indices (and thus faster). If you do not specify a to_index then it will include all characters up to the end of the string.

  • substring (str: string, from_index: int, count: int) -> string
    Same as slice, except instead of a to_index you specify a character count. If you do not specify a count then it will include all characters up to the end of the string.

  • trim (str: string) -> string
    Returns the string view of str with all characters from the start and end which are <= #char " " removed (i.e. all whitespace and control codes).

  • trim (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string
    Returns the string view of str with all characters matching tool removed from the start and end.

  • trim_to (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string, found: bool
    Returns the string view of str with all characters before the first instance and after the last instance of tool removed. If tool is not found then the entire string is returned.

  • trim_past (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string, found: bool
    Returns the string view of str with all characters before the first instance and after the last instance of tool, as well as the tool itself, removed. If tool is not found then the entire string is returned.

  • trim_start (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string
    Returns the string view of str with all characters matching tool removed from the start.

  • trim_start_to (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string, found: bool
    Returns the string view of str with all characters before the first instance of tool removed from the start. If tool is not found then the entire string is returned.

  • trim_start_past (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string, found: bool
    Returns the string view of str with all characters before the first instance of tool, and the tool, removed from the start. If tool is not found then the entire string is returned.

  • trim_end (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string, found: bool
    Returns the string view of str with all characters matching tool removed from the end.

  • trim_end_after (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string, found: bool
    Returns the string view of str with all characters after the last instance of tool removed from the end. If tool is not found then the entire string is returned.

  • trim_end_from (str: string, tool: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> string, found: bool
    Returns the string view of str with all characters after the last instance of tool, and the tool, removed from the end. If tool is not found then the entire string is returned.

  • advance_to (haystack: *string, needle: %Tool) -> characters_skipped: int
    Modifies haystack in-place, moving its start point forward until it hits %Tool (or empties).

  • advance_past (haystack: *string, needle: %Tool) -> characters_skipped: int
    Modifies haystack in-place, moving its start point forward until it hits and reaches the end of %Tool (or empties).

  • first_index (haystack: string, needle: %Tool, start_index := 0, compare := default_compare) -> index: int, found: bool, [to_index: int]
    Returns the first index in haystack at which needle occurs, or -1 if it does not occur. found will be true if needle was found. In the case when %Tool is an Index_Proc, to_index will be set to the index the pattern terminates at.

  • last_index (haystack: string, needle: %Tool, start_index := 0, compare := default_compare) -> index: int, found: bool, [to_index: int]
    As per first_index, but working backwards from the end of the haystack.

  • equal (a: string, b: string, compare := default_compare) -> bool
    Returns whether the two strings are equal, using current or specified comparator.

  • is_any (needle: u8, characters: [] u8, compare := default_compare) -> bool
    Returns whether needle is equal to any of characters.

  • contains (haystack: string, needle: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> bool
    Whether needle occurs within haystack.

  • count (haystack: string, needle: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> int
    How many times needle occurs within haystack (non-overlapping).

  • starts_with (haystack: string, needle: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> bool
    Returns whether haystack begins with needle.

  • ends_with (haystack: string, needle: %Tool, compare := default_compare) -> bool
    Returns whether haystack ends with needle.

  • is_lower (char: u8) -> bool
    Whether char falls in the range #char "a" - #char "z".

  • is_upper (char: u8) -> bool
    Whether char falls in the range #char "A" - #char "Z".

  • to_lower (str: string)
    Mutates str in-place, overwritting any upper-case characters with their lower-case equivalent.

  • to_upper (str: string)
    Mutates str in-place, overwritting any lower-case characters with their upper-case equivalent.

  • to_capitalized (str: string, preserve_caps := true)
    Sets the first letter of str to upper-case. If preserve_caps is set to false, will set all following letters to lower-case.

  • reverse (str: string)
    Reverses the characters in str in-place.

  • replace (haystack: string, needle: %Tool, replacement: u8, max_replacements := 0) -> change_count: int
    Replaces needle with the replacement character specified.

  • split (text: string, separator: %Tool, skip_empty := false, max_results := 0, keep_separator := .NO, compare := default_compare)
    Used to iterate over text in a for loop, splitting the string by the chosen tool. If skip_empty is set then your code will not be called with the empty string (i.e. when there are two consecutive seperators). If max_results is non-zero then text will only be split into at most that many pieces. If keep_separator is set to .AS_PREFIX or .AS_POSTFIX then the separator will be included in the strings, at the specified position.

For example:

    for word, index: split(" aa  bb  cc ", #char " ", skip_empty = true) {
        if index == {
            case  0; assert(word == "aa");
            case  1; assert(word == "bb");
            case  2; assert(word == "cc");

    for word, index: split("Hello, World.", #char " ", keep_separator = .AS_POSTFIX) {
        if index == {
            case  0; assert(word == "Hello, ");
            case  1; assert(word == "World.");
  • split (array: *[$N] string, text: string, separator: %Tool, skip_empty := false, max_results := 0, keep_separator := .NO, compare := default_compare) -> result_count: int
    As split, but places the results into a predefined array instead of looping over them. Returns the number of results. You must set up the array beforehand, then pass in a pointer to it:
parts : [4] string;
split(*parts, text, separator)
  • line_split (text: string, keep_end := false, skip_empty := false, max_results := 0, keep_separator := .NO)
    Works like split using #char "\n" as the tool, but will automatically handle windows vs unix file formats (i.e. will take care of "\r\n").

  • count_split (text: string, count: int, max_results := 0)
    Works like the above split, except the string is split into sections with the specified count.

  • index_split (text: string, indexes: .. int, skip_empty := false, max_results := 0)
    Works like the above split, except the string is split at the specified indices.

  • split_into_two (text: string, separator: %Tool, keep_separator := .NO, compare := default_compare) -> string, string
    Splits text into two parts, by separator.


This module provides procedures which return new strings. You can set the allocator used when you import the module, but can also override the allocator on each call. Typically you should namespace the import, identifying the allocator used (you shouldn't globally import both this and the base Strings module, as they have identical procedure names which will collide).

For example:

#import "Strings";
heap :: #import "Strings_Alloc";
temp :: #import "Strings_Alloc"(temp);


  • default_allocator : Allocator
    Allocator used to allocate all returned values. If empty (the default) then the context.allocator will be used. This may be overridden in each individual call.

  • add_convenience_functions
    Set this to false to disable these procs (it defaults to true) - they provide version of these standard procedures whic behave as per every other proc in this module wrt allocators:

    • print - identical to sprint, set to use this module's allocator.
    • builder_to_string - identical to builder_to_string, set to use this module's allocator.
  • compare
    Default comparator used to check if two string characters are equal. You may change it using set_default_compare. One of:

  • index_algorithm
    Determines the default string search algorithm to use, can be changed later using set_index_algorithm. One of:

      Simplest algorithm, no memory overhead.
      Boyer-Moore algorithm. Fastest tested scalar algorithm overall, has a small memory footprint that increases with needle size.
      Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Another fast algorithm, with a similar memory footprint.
  • strict
    By default the module will be fairly permissive of inputs, doing the Right Thing without error for odd values (indices outwith the string for instance). Setting strict to true will make the module behave more stringently, erroring on such inputs.


Every procedure unique to this module can take these two parameters (in addition to their listed parameters):

  • allocator: Allocator - sets the allocator to use, overriding the default specified in the module_parameters.
  • null_terminate := false - when enabled, the string returned will have a #char "\0" appended to it, if it does not already end with it.

  • set_default_compare (character_compare := default_compare)
    Sets the compartor used to check if two characters match.

  • set_index_algorithm (first_index_proc := default_first_index, last_index_proc := default_last_index)
    Sets the index procedures used internally when searching through strings with strings (for replace, split, etc.)

  • set_simd_mode (mode)
    Sets whether to use SIMD optimisations. One of:

    • .OFF
      Disables all SIMD optimisations, utilizing scalar code only.
    • .AUTO
      Uses the fastest SIMD instruction set available on the CPU.
    • .SSE2
      Uses SSE2 (128bit) optimisations. This is the default.
    • .AVX2
      Uses AVX2 (256bit) optimisations. Note that this will not alter the string index algorithm you are using: if you wish to enable or disable SIMD functionalty with string indexing you must do so by choosing the appropriate algorithms using set_index_algorithm, or the index_algorithm module parameter.
  • copy_string (str: string) -> string
    Returns of a copy of str.

  • reverse (str: string) -> string
    Returns a copy of str with the characters in the reverse order.

  • lower (str: string) -> string
    Returns a copy of str with all upper-case characters converted to their lower-case equivalent.

  • upper (str: string)
    Returns a copy of str with all lower-case characters converted to their upper-case equivalent.

  • capitalized (str: string, preserve_caps := true) -> string
    Returns a copy of str with the first letter converted to upper-case. If preserve_caps is disabled then all subsequent letters will be converted to lower-case.

  • replace (haystack: string, needle: %Tool, replacement: string, max_replacements := 0, compare := default_compare) -> string
    Returns a copy of str with all (non-overlapping) instances of needle replaced with replacement. If max_replacements is non-zero then at most that many replacements will be made (starting at the beginning of the string).

  • join (strings: .. string) -> string
    Returns a single string created by concatenating all the provided strings together.

  • join (strings: [] string) -> string
    Returns a single string, the result of joining all the strings in the strings array together.

  • join (strings: [] string, separator: string) -> string
    Returns a single string, the result of joining all the strings in the strings array together with separator between them.

  • join (strings: [] string, separator: u8) -> string
    Returns a single string, the result of joining all the strings in the strings array together with separator between them.

  • split (text: string, separator: %Tool, reversed := false, skip_empty := false, max_results := 0, keep_separator := .NO, compare := default_compare) -> [] string
    Creates an array of strings by splitting text at each instance of separator. If reversed is set then the order in the array will be reversed. If skip_empty is set then empty strings will not be added to the array (i.e. when there are two consecutive seperators). If max_results is non-zero then text will only be split into at most that many pieces. If keep_separator is set to .AS_PREFIX or .AS_POSTFIX then the separator will be included in the strings, at the specified position.

NOTE if you can accomplish your task by iterating with split from the Strings module then that may be the better, more performant solution.

  • line_split (text: string, reversed := false, skip_empty := false, max_results := 0, keep_separator := Keep_Separator.NO) -> [] string
    As per split above, but splitting by lines as per line_split in the Strings module.

  • index_split (text: string, indexes: .. int, reversed := false, skip_empty := false, max_results := 0) -> [] string
    As per split above, but splitting the string at the specified indices.

  • count_split (text: string, count: int, reversed := false, max_results := 0) -> [] string
    As per split above, but splitting the string into sections with the specified count.

  • split (text: string, splitter: Split_By, reversed := false, skip_empty := false, max_results := 0) -> [] string
    As per split above, but using the specified Split_By struct. i.e. a struct returned by the split function in the Strings module.

  • pad_start (str: string, desired_count: int, pad_with := " ") -> string
    Returns a copy of str with pad_with repeated at the beginning such that the string length reaches the desired_count.

  • pad_start (str: string, desired_count: int, pad_with: u8) -> string
    Returns a copy of str with pad_with repeated at the beginning such that the string length reaches the desired_count.

  • pad_end (str: string, desired_count: int, pad_with := " ") -> string
    Returns a copy of str with pad_with repeated from the end such that the string length reaches the desired_count.

  • pad_end (str: string, desired_count: int, pad_with: u8) -> string
    Returns a copy of str with pad_with repeated from the end such that the string length reaches the desired_count.

  • pad_center (str: string, desired_count: int, pad_with := " ") -> string
    Returns a copy of str with pad_with repeated from the begining and from the end such that the string length reaches the desired_count.

  • pad_center (str: string, desired_count: int, pad_with: u8) -> string
    Returns a copy of str with pad_with repeated from the begining and from the end such that the string length reaches the desired_count.

  • repeat (str: string, times: int) -> string
    Returns a string consisting of str repeated times times.

  • camel_from_snake (str: string, preserve_caps := false) -> string
    Returns a copy of underscore-separated str, changed into programmer CamelCase; i.e. with the leading letter, and every letter after an underscore, converted to upper-case, and with underscores removed. If preserve_caps is enabled then the the underscore removal still happens, but the case is kept.

For example:

    assert( camel_from_snake("play_RTS")       == "playRts" );
    assert( camel_from_snake("play_RTS", true) == "playRTS" );
  • snake_from_camel (str: string, preserve_caps := false) -> string
    Returns a copy of CamelCased str, changed into programmer snake case; i.e. converted to lower-case, but split by _ at each formerly upper-case letter edge. If preserve_caps is enabled then the the split still happens, but the case is kept.

For example:

    assert( snake_from_camel("PlayRTS")       == "play_rts" );
    assert( snake_from_camel("PlayRTS", true) == "play_RTS" );
  • apply_backslash (str: string) -> string, well_formed: bool
    Converts legal jai backslash escape sequences (i.e. \n, \t, etc) into their specified character. i.e. a two character string "\n" will yield a single character string with byte value 10; well_formed will be true if all backslash characters in str are followed by an appropriate escape sequence.

  • escape (str: string) -> string
    Replaces the special characters which jai uses backslash escapes to represent with said backslash escape sequence. i.e. the single character string with byte value 10 will yield the two character string "\n"


String modules for Jai


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