Munyola / chromeapps-devops

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Chrome Apps for DevOps

Gather DevOps important references and shortcuts in form of Chrome Apps.

Chrome Apps logo


1. Clone this repository or download and see its contents.

Open a terminal give the following command:

$ git clone
$ cd chromeapps-devops

As we can see a subdirectory is created for each DevOps app.

$ ls -la
total 1000
drwxr-xr-x@   9 enogrob  staff    306 Oct  4 07:32 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 298 enogrob  staff  10132 Oct  4 07:30 ..
-rw-r--r--@   1 enogrob  staff  14340 Sep 24  2017 .DS_Store
drwxr-xr-x   14 enogrob  staff    476 Oct  4 11:07 .git
-rw-r--r--@   1 enogrob  staff      6 Aug  1  2016 .gitignore
-rw-r--r--@   1 enogrob  staff      0 Nov 17  2016 Icon?
-rw-r--r--@   1 enogrob  staff   1895 Oct  4 11:08
drwxr-xr-x   18 enogrob  staff    612 Oct  4 11:04 apps
drwxr-xr-x    5 enogrob  staff    170 May 28  2016 images

$ tree -L 1 apps/
├── DevOps-AmazonCloud
├── DevOps-Ansible
├── DevOps-AzureCloud
├── DevOps-Bitbucket
├── DevOps-Ceph
├── DevOps-CloudAMQP
├── DevOps-CodeTriage
├── DevOps-DevStack
├── DevOps-DigitalOcean
├── DevOps-Docker
├── DevOps-Dockerhub
├── DevOps-EngineYardCloud
├── DevOps-Gist
├── DevOps-Git
├── DevOps-GitLab
├── DevOps-GitMemory
├── DevOps-Github
├── DevOps-GoogleCloud
├── DevOps-Graphileon
├── DevOps-Homebrew
├── DevOps-IBMCloud
├── DevOps-Kubernetes
├── DevOps-Memgraph
├── DevOps-MikroTik
├── DevOps-MySQL
├── DevOps-Neo4j
├── DevOps-OpenDev
├── DevOps-OpenStack
├── DevOps-OracleCloud
├── DevOps-PostgreSQL
├── DevOps-RabbitMQ
├── DevOps-Redis
├── DevOps-Riju
├── DevOps-Sidekiq
├── DevOps-Sqlite
├── DevOps-StarlingX
├── DevOps-Terraform
├── DevOps-TwilioQuest
├── DevOps-VirtualBox
├── DevOps-Wikipedia
└── Devops-Puppet

42 directories, 0 files

# in order to open Files in "Linux" to drag the App folders if wanted.
$ cd apps
$ xdg-open .&

Chrome screenshot

2. Open Chrome with the following url:

In order to load the Chrome Apps for DevOps, check Developer Mode and press Load unpacked extension... to load each App selecting its corresponding directory inside apps e.g. DevOps-Docker, and then repeat that for the wanted apps.

Chrome screenshot

Or just drag and drop the app folder on the Extensions page.

Chrome screenshot

3. After load the Chrome Apps wanted for DevOps, Chrome will look like the screenshot below:

Chrome screenshot

Pressione the Chrome "Apps" button and then look for the ones you have inserted. You can drag as you want in order to put them in desired order.
