Multirename / multirename

Multirename - A shell program written in PHP

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multirename - A shell program written in PHP

Version 2.4.6

This program is made to use as shell program and also for batch processing. This means: If you have tonns of files to be renamed or have always new files which must be renamed: This program is made for you! I use it only in cronjobs but its also possible for web applications and file renaming tasks.

Hello! Welcome to my program. I hope you will enjoy it!

Happy renaming! Florian


Notice: Auto generated file. All documentation was bundled in the For a single text files have a look at the /docs) Versions: The documentation at the wiki belongs to the stable branch / latest stable release. This documentation belongs to the branch you switch to. The latest version you will find at the "unstable" branch.



  • Simple replacements or removes. Look for a sign and replace it with another one. E.g.: Change all spaces in filenames with an underscore (_).

  • Replacements using pcre engine (Perl compatible regular expressions). Regular expressions are patterns detection. With filenames it can help to split complex names to rebuild the filename you need. E.g.:

    "2015-01-01-20.00.00 The daily news.mpg"
    will become
  • Find relevant files or directorys by a list of search keywords or regular expressions.

  • Renaming including the path or breadcrumbs of the path the file belongs to. The path or the parts of it are always available to be used for the replacement.

  • Replacements including regular expressions and including path replacements in a regular exression. E.g.: /(%path2%)?(.*)?(\d{5})?/i Checkout the examples for more.

  • Creation of hard links or symlinks, relative or absolut instead of renaming the files. Including relocating in this case. "this" goes "../in/here/that"

  • Possibility to undo an action. < version 1.3.3

  • Possibility to undo multiple or seletced actions from history > version 2.*

  • A test mode to check the results when starting a rename process.

  • Presets: Possibility to save/update/delete a configuration. E.g. for a later usage or batch processing like cron, at, batch...

  • Scan for matches in a recusivly way or just files in the given directory.

  • Scan for matches including search function also able to use regular expr.

  • Excluding matches you dont want to rename

  • Scan for all files or a given list of file extensions. E.g.: doc;docx;xls

  • Using external scripts as plugins to assist the renaming befor or after the internal renaming performs. E.g. loading a new name from a text file.

  • More features to come. Some are already in the code marked as TODO.

Examples for Multirename

Simple replacements/ substitutions:


Delete all spaces in filenames and replace it with an underscore and remove the word "this" if it exists:

multirename --path 'YOUR_PATH' \
    --fileextensions '*' \
    --substitutions ' =_;this' \
    --keepcopy  \

multirename --path 'YOUR_PATH' -e '*' -s ' =_;this' --keepcopy --test

Beautifing hyphen, comma and colon?

Your substitution could look like:

--substitutions '-=_-_;,=_-_;:=_-_'

Show a saved configuration:

multirename --from-config 'YOUR_PATH' --show-config --test

Use a saved configuration

Use a saved configuration but test befor, then execute it and save the configuration again (YOUR_PATH belongs to the path where your file are):

multirename --from-config 'YOUR_PATH' --test

multirename --from-config 'YOUR_PATH' --set-config

As you can see, using --test is always a good option to avoid problems!

For the vdr project this can help:

Example 1:

Check the difference in simple recordings and series recordings in vdr. The following example is for simple recordings! You may split your recordings in sub-folders like "movies" and "series". Change request for vdradmin-am already exists:

multirename --path 'YOUR_RECORDING_PATH_FOR_MOVIES' \
    --fileextensions ts;m2t;mpg;mpeg; \
    --substitutions ' =_;#3A=_-_;:_=_-_;regex:/^(\d{5}|info|marks)$/i=../%path2%_-_$1;_-_marks=.marks;_-_info=.nfo' \
    --keepcopy  \
    --recursive \
    --sub-paths \

Would do e.g.:

old: 00001.ts
new: ../True_Grit.ts
old: marks
new: ../True_Grit.marks
old: info
new: ../True_Grit.nfo

The default pattern for vdr recordings and maybe created mpg's 00001.ts.mpg:


Example 2:

This example is for my series. When recording i use different subfolders like: Movie, Series, Doc, DocSeries so i can run multirename automatically without much attention. At the end of the substitutions parameter you find some specific words for german television i dont want to have.:

multirename --path 'YOUR_PATH_TO_SERIES' \
    --fileextensions 'ts;m2t;mpg;mpeg' \
    --substitutions ' =_;#3A=_-_;:_=_-_;regex:/^(\d{5}|info|marks)$/i=../../%path3%_-_%path1%_-_%path2%_-_$1;regex:/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(.*.rec)(.*)/i=$1$3;_-_marks=.marks;_-_info=.nfo;regex:/(.*)(,(_Science-Fiction|_Action|_Drama),_USA_\d)(.*)/=$1;,_Scienc_=_;,_Magazin,_D;Thema_u._a._-_=ua_;,_Mag_-_=_-_;,_Magazin,;,_Magazi;,_Mag;,_Wissensmagazin,_D;_u._a.:_=_ua_' \
    --keepcopy  \
    --recursive \
    --sub-paths \

Would do e.g. (in real i just create relative symlinks --link 'soft:rel' and don't rename the files!):

old: 00001.ts ...TO:
new. ../../The_Flash_-_2015-03-31_-_Der_Mann_in_Gelb_-_00001.ts

old: marks ...TO:
new: ../../The_Flash_-_2015-03-31_-_Der_Mann_in_Gelb.marks

old: info ...TO:
new: ../../The_Flash_-_2015-03-31_-_Der_Mann_in_Gelb.nfo

Synology DTV TV recordings:

multirename --path 'YOUR-SYNO-RECORDING-PATH' \
    -e "ts;m2t;mpg;mpeg"
    -s 'regex:/^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{4})?(.*)/i=$2_-_$1;regex:/(_.{1,20}_)+(.*?)(_-_\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{4})$/i=$2$3;regex:/(_-_)$/i; =_' \
    --sub-paths \
    --history \

Would do e.g.:

old: 2014-08-16_1410_RTL2_Merlin.ts
new: Merlin_-_2014-08-16_1410.ts

Example 3

Wallpapers? I love Wallpapers and they are great in debian/ubuntu! In your own path? It works but you can not save the setting if you are not root (let it be to be root) for the future.

Scan for all wallpapers and symlink them to your target path. Change in the last line: and Don't forget to remove the test flag to execute!

multirename --test 
    --path /usr/share/wallpapers 
    --fileextensions 'png;jpg' 
    --link "soft:rel" 
    --substitutions "regex:/(1920x(.*))/i=../../../../../../home/<YOUR-USERNAME>/<PICTURE-PATH>/wallpapers/%path3%"



Getting the source you have serveral options:

Download page for releases or tags

Old download/ project page for releases


(*nix based systems)

Requires PHP >= 8.0

Install php and required modules:

# and the suggested packages
apt install php-cli php-json

For shell scripts: /bin/dash was the default shell (e.g. some helper scripts). Some output may be different when using bash. ash seems to be fine.


Please use cygwin ( Native support will be in the future)

Quick install

(*nix based systems)

(copy & past but replace 2.4.6 with e.g: 1.4.1)
cd /tmp
-2.4.6.tgz?raw=true -O multirename-2.4.6.tgz
tar -xf multirename-2.4.6.tgz
chmod +x multirename.phar
mv multirename.phar /usr/local/bin/multirename
multirename --help

If a multirename.phar file is not available you can use one of the scripts in ./src or you can build your own phar file using ./build/make.php. Read more below.

Developer install

Checkout the code and required library:

git clone -b stable
cd multirename/
# checkout and update dependencies depending on the selected, cloned branch
sh ./helper/ [stable|testing|unstable]

The files you will call directly (if not already done):

chmod +x <file>

The program comes in two flavors

1) Standard php usage (the src directory must be/stay intact):

2) Single file usage (using a *.jar like file which is called "phar")
    (you can delete all other files. Everything is in that file)

1. Possible options to run:

1.1: php /PATH/multirename/src/multirename.php [--help|options]
1.2: /PATH/multirename/src/multirename [--help|options]

1.3: Make it global available:
    Become root
    `ln -s /PATH/multirename/src/multirename /usr/local/bin/`
    `multirename [--help|options]`

2. For users who just want to use the program. Possible options:

2.1: If available (served with the package):
     /PATH/multirename/build/multirename.phar [--help|options]

2.2: Make it global available:
    copy or move /PATH/multirename/build/multirename.phar to /usr/local/bin/multirename
    multirename [--help|options]

    Or (but build directory must be intact):
    ln -s /PATH/multirename/build/multirename.phar /usr/local/bin/multirename
    multirename [--help|options]

3.0: The library itself contains a `/bin/multirename.php` shell script 
    excluding all the rest of docs and other informations of this package.



This is not a typical make but for most of you probably an interesting corner.

This shows you how to create your own multirename.phar file or building a new release.

Build options

  1. php make.php install
  2. php make.php clean
  3. php make.php deploy

1.: php make.php install:

You decided to use the bundled version (all files and required libraries in one file) for an easy usage. Use the file multirename.phar, thats all! Older releases can work with older versions of php, from now on php8.0 or higher is required.

If you want to build it by yourself, run: php make.php install

Note: This requires php >= 8.0 and changes in your php.ini of the used php version (if several on board). Changes in the php.ini for the cli only is ok. The php.ini for web/ live enviroment: STOP: NOT OK!

e.g.: /etc/php/cli/php.ini; Change:
";phar.readonly = On" to
"phar.readonly = 0" (drop semicolon, On to 0 (Off))

Then you are able to create your own multirename.phar file whichs bundles all nessasary files for the program to one file (Like java *.jar files) and you can use that file which is more easy to handle.

If you dont see any errors, the "multirename.phar" were created. Please check if its working by running:

php multirename.phar --help

The first line must show: "[INFO] Usage:"

The performance of this bundle is nearly the same than using the standard sources for a php application (some people say it boost the performance...) Well :-) less disk IO can make sence.

On upgrades only "multirename.phar" needs to be updated. Checkout the deploy/ directory where i may add final versions.

2.: php make.php clean:

Drops files created within the make script

3.: php make.php deploy

Task for a new release of multirename or just updating the documentation. For more please have a look in the contributions section or at the ./docs/CONTRIBUTE.txt

Usage of Multirename


  • At the moment only the filename without the file extension will be handled.

  • Internally always the long options will be used. If you use short options, no problem, but if you want to see the saved configuration the long options will be shown and used. Also as remark if you want to use the Mumsys_Multirename class in php context e.g: in your own scripts this is the way.

For the moment (may be for all the time):

  • A logger tracks all actions to a log file (default in multirename/tmp/ (max. 3MB) if you dont change it). This make sence in the current state of the program to find and debug open or not detected bugs for you, me....

  • Configurations can be saved but only one config per path at the moment. (i'm still thinking about to extend it or not! It makes things complicated and a GUI would be the next step to handle thouse parts. Maybe someone likes do it?


  • When executing the program you may think something went wrong because it seems that the programm hangs: Probably you have enabled the --keepcopy flag and there is a hugh file which will be copied and not renamed! Dont break operations! This can loose informations for a recovery or undo action. Have look at the log file first (tail -f multirename/tmp/multirename.$USER.log) befor stop the process.

Usage options (--help)

    Flag: test before execute

--path|-p <yourValue/s>
    Path to scann for files (tailing slash is important!) * Required

--fileextensions|-e <yourValue/s>
    Semicolon separated list of file extensions to scan for eg.
    "avi;AVI;mpg;MPG" or "*" (with quotes) for all files * Required

--substitutions|-s <yourValue/s>
    Semicolon separated list with key value pairs for substitution eg:
    --substitutions ä=ae;ö=oe;ß=ss; =_;'regex:/^(\d{5})$/i=x_\$1'... .As
    simple feature you can use %path1%...%pathN% parameters to substitute
    path informations in substitution values the file belongs to. For more
    information see --sub-paths but only use --sub-paths if you really need
    it. It can became strange side effects when enabling it. * Required

    Flag; Enable substitution using paths. Feature for the substitution:
    Breadcrumbs of the --path can be found/ substituted with %path1% -
    %pathN% in reverse. If you want to rename files and want to add the
    folder the file belongs to you can use %path1%. One folder above is
    %path2% and so on until the given root in --path. Example:
    /var/files/records => %path1% = records, %path2% = files, %path3% = var;
    With this option you can also replace %pathN% in keys or values and also
    in regular expressionsUse the --test flag and test and check the results
    carefully! WARNING: Enabling this feature can change the behavior of
    existing substitutions  in your cmd line!

--find|-f <yourValue/s>
    Find files. Semicolon seperated list of search keywords or regular
    expressions (starting with "regex:"). The list will be handled in OR
    conditons.The keyword checks for matches in any string of the file
    location (path and filename). Optional

--exclude <yourValue/s>
    Exclude files. Semicolon seperated list of search keywords or regular
    expressions (starting with "regex:"). The list will be handled in OR
    conditons.The keyword will be checked for matches in any string of the
    file location (path and filename). Exclude will also ignore matches from
    the --find option; Optional

    Flag, if set read all files under each directory starting from --path

    Flag. If set keep all existing files

    Include hidden files (dot files)

--link <yourValue/s>
    Don't rename, create symlinks or hardlinks, relativ or absolut to target
    (Values: soft|hard[:rel|abs]). If the second parameter is not given
    relativ links will be created

--linkway <yourValue/s>
    Optional for --link: Type of the link to be created: Relative or absolut
    ("rel"|"abs"), default: "rel". This will be used internally if you use
    e.g: --link soft:rel or --link soft:abs the linkway will be extracted
    from that line. Otherwise use --link soft --linkway rel|abs

    Flag; If set this will enable the history and tracks all actions for a
    later undo

--history-size <yourValue/s>
    Integer; Number of history entrys if --history is enabled; Default: 10;
    Note: If you run on much more than hundreds of files you may set the
    memory limit to a higher value and/or reduce this number to 1. This
    feature may consume much memory. Using the --test mode with loglevel 6
    or higher will give you informations about the memory usage.

    Flag; Not implemented yet. Run the job recusiv from given --path as
    start directory and start renaming. If a new configuration in the sub
    directories exists it trys to load the configuration for batch-mode and
    execute it. This enables --recursiv and --history

    Not implemented yet. Semicolon separated list of plugins to include.
    Plugins to assist youfor the renaming. Eg.: You have a text file
    including the new name of the file, or parts of it: The pluging gets the
    content and uses it befor or after the other rules take affect! Example:
    --plugins 'GetTheTitleFromVDRsInfoFile:before;CutAdvertising:after'

    Flag; Revers/ undo the last action

--from-config <yourValue/s>
    Read saved configuration from given path and execute it

    disabled; see --save-config

    Flag; Saves the configuration to the --path of the config which adds a
    new folder ".multirename" for later use with --from-config

    Flag; Deletes the config from given --path

    Flag; Shows the config parameters from a saved config to check or
    rebuild it. Use it with --from-config=/some/path/movies/ --show-config
    (see --save-config)

--loglevel|--ll <yourValue/s>
    Logging level for the output of messages (0=Emerg ... 7=verbose/debug).
    For testing use 6 or 7; For cronjob etc. do not use lower than 5 to get
    important messages

    Print some stats after execution

    Flag; Return version informations

    Show this help


Contributors are welcome!

Checkout a branch of stable|testing|unstable including updates and switching to one of it (probably unstable) and including the externals with updates, use the helper script:

./helper/ [branchname]

I decide to use staging areas to keep the "stable" clean of bugs as good as possible and for maximum of stability.

Staging areas are "unstable" -> "testing" -> "stable"

"stable" should be always the latest stable release! (Incl. Hotfixes)

All new code/ development should go to "unstable". Also, if needed, to the externals which having also these staging areas.

If you would like to add features or push some improvements: The unstable branch is basicly the entry point and the latest code base. Checkout the "unstable" branch create a new branch for your part to start in.

git clone
cd multirename
./helper/ unstable
git checkout -b yourNewBranch

Note: You may also create own branches for the existing externals

cd externals/<name.../...>
git checkout unstable
git checkout -b yourNewBranch

If tests exists and the function of fixed bugs, new features is verified it will be merged to "testing" (collecting the updates, versions, features)... for the next release candidate or sub releases.

Hotfixes will go to extra branches and will be merged directly to the "stable".

When merging branches take a look into .gitmodules of each branch and verify that the branches still map to the branch name of the master project. E.g.: The branch "testing" of the project maps to the "testing" branch of the submodules eg. the library, and so on. For this reason you may use the helper script more often and follow this workflow:

# checkout given branch of the main project
# init, updates and pulls the submodules for the given branch
./helper/ unstable
# Create a pull request

# the maintainer will follow the workflow: After a merge, e.g.:
./helper/ testing
git merge unstable
# or have a look to helper/ BranchToMerge
# to stage the changes   


The build/make.php file will help to create files for the deployment e.g. if you would like to create new entrys or to create a release. All text files in the docs/ are involved. If you modify them there using markdown syntax the deployment and the creation with new documentation will be generated.

# Will generate .md files for the wiki and the summary file /
# Best option does all:
php make.php deploy --compress

Please use make.php clean after copying the files for you needs. Deploy files are not to commit to the repository. Only the maintainer will do for stable releases.

When commiting new stuff you should first commit the externals changes and at least the project version. The external commit ID should map to the commit ID of the project when other people will check it out. I know this is not that handy but i have no other/better idea at the moment to handle it and the projects are very close to each other.


Contributed features

Implemented suggestions

Core developers

Florian Blasel


Multirename is made for users which have not that detailed knowlege using the shell. Also me :-) but i know php and find my solution to help myself for a solution to rename files like i need it. Multirename was born. Nothing new! And maybe already done anywhere in any rename program.

Maybe some of my ideas you will find useful or finds a new home ... Hopfully it will stay :-) The very beginning of this program was in ~2002 and now, again because of music and video files the vdr (video disk recording) project gave me the idea to finish this program including some features i was looking for.

Important version history informations

VERSION > 1.4.6 goes 2.4.6

Requires PHP >= 8

Because of the underlaying library.

VERSION < 1.4.6

Most versions not published.

Nearly all versions should work with php5.6...php8.3

VERSION < 1.3.3

If you are updating to a newer version of multirename and your version is lower than version 1.3.3 you need to update your existing configs. Beginning with Version 2.0.0 the migration will be removed. When executing some renaming please update the configs to the new structure by using the --save-config flag. e.g: multirename --from-config /path --save-config

Changes of Multirename

2023-11 - Updates multirename... VERSION 2.4.6 - Updates multirename inline docs - Fixes help output - Improves make file to create phar files - Updates tests (in lib) - Improves CS, tests, SCA (Static Code Analysis)

2022-03 - Updates for php 8.1

2019-XX - Upgrades to php7.3..8.0

2019-10 - Improves check of logger usage on init. - Improves phpdoc using phpstan up to level 5 now - Fixes getVersionLong()

2018-XX - Removes exception for root user but send a warning - Updates getVersionLong() to show the global version ID

2018-03-19 - Adds global version ID ./multirename -v - Version 1.4.4

2017-04-21 - Bufix handling --link, --linkway - Updates start script to use Logger decorator for messages - Version 1.4.3

2016-11-05 - Updates start script to use Mumsys_Logger_Default

2016-04-10 - Improves handling of stored config files A config can contain selveral sub configs e.g: one config for this file extension and one config for that file extension and so on. there is no config management at the moment. add some config or delete the config file is currently supported. The thing at all: this config will be called from now on (next version) the default "preset" and it containts one of more configs. - Update/ improves tests - codecoverage 100% - bugfix with --find option; fixes issue #3 - add --exclude option; fixes feature #5 - Version 1.4.1

2016-03-27 - Improves history handling - Sets logger property to be private - new version: 1.3.3 - Update/ improves tests - codecoverage 100%

2015-10-25 - Adds --exclude option, Updates tests, fixes issue #5 - version 1.3.1

2015-08-09 - new Version: 1.3.0 - adds history tracking and "history-size" option - Fixed incomplete bugfix in version 1.2.5 of _getRelevantFiles() - Adds missing tests for the bugfix in 1.2.4, 1.2.5 - Updates/ improves inline/ php docs

2015-08-06 - new Version: 1.2.5 - Fixed incomplete bugfix in version 1.2.4

2015-08-01 - new Version: 1.2.4 - Fixes a fault in --find option when trying to find for several keywords

2015-06-24 - new Version: 1.2.3 - Improves output messages in test mode - Adds --find option - Improves crap index of run() method - Adds method _substitution() - Improves/ Updates tests

2015-05-24 Fixes handling of shell arguments in library; Fixes issue #1; Set VERSION 1.2.1


  • alpha version:

  • Code freeze: 2015-03/04

    • write and push existig tests first
    • find bugs and fix them
  • announce first pre release, 2015-04-22/23

    • create preRelease branch/tag and make default branch
  • bug hunting time. ask the people 2015-05-16

  • release (master) 2015-05-16

    • init staging areas:
      • add testing and unstable branches
    • new features :-)
  • Stable version: 1.2.0 as release 1 2015-05-21


There are one or some and hopefully none! Be sure using the --test mode and check all results! Have a look at the output when substitution or search keywords having special characters e.g: ? & ... I think the pcre engine does not like it but i haven't checked it yet.

Your help would be great to find bugs or add features and improvements.


                   Version 3, 29 June 2007

Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.

  1. Additional Definitions.

As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.

An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode of using an interface provided by the Library.

A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked Version".

The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.

The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.

  1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.

You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.

  1. Conveying Modified Versions.

If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified version:

a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the function or data, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or

b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of this License applicable to that copy.

  1. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.

The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:

a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.

b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.

  1. Combined Works.

You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of the following:

a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.

b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.

c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.

d) Do one of the following:

   0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
   License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
   suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
   recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
   the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
   manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
   Corresponding Source.

   1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
   Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
   a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
   system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
   of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked

e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be required to provide such information under section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is necessary to install and execute a modified version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.)

  1. Combined Libraries.

You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side by side in a single library together with other library facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your choice, if you do both of the following:

a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, conveyed under the terms of this License.

b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.

  1. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that published version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the Library.


Multirename - A shell program written in PHP



Language:PHP 80.1%Language:Shell 19.9%