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Developer :
Version :1.0.0
ES5 Syntax (CommonJS)
const enigma = require("@enjoys/enigma");`
ES6 Syntax
import enigma from('@enjoys/enigma')
Create New a Instance
const LockNKey= Enigma.GuardianCipher("enjoys_encryption_key!@#%^&*()_N")
Pass a custom Encryption key of length 32 characters to encrypt your data and convert into a string. This key is used to decrypt your data. If you do not pass any key then default key is going to be use, which is dangerous so please make sure you must pass own key.
const NewObj = {name:"Test",isAdmin:true}
let EncryptMyData = LockNKey.encrypt(NewObj)
This will return a encrypted/hash random generated string with your data and encryption key.
let DecryptData = '3b5c361644502f946dd4e624a0408d20:8494d14ed4970f21f934b87769693357a887b267c3f90b5110884b32d36444b3'
Also can use Destructing Method
let {user,isAdmin} = LockNKey.decrypt(DecryptData)
const enigma = new Enigma.EnigmaToken();
const SecretKey = "JwtSecretKey__!@#%^&*()_NJ";
const token = enigma.safesign({ test: "test" }, SecretKey );
//if you want to set Token Expiration time
//enigma..safesign('your_payload', SecretKey , { expiresIn: 1500 })
//expiresIn requires number that means only seconds
const enigma = new Enigma.EnigmaToken();
const SecretKey = "JwtSecretKey__!@#%^&*()_NJ";
const token = enigma.setHeader({ clientId: "random" }).safesign({ test: "test" }, SecretKey );
If you decrypt the token on, the Header
part contains following output:
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT",
"clientId": "random"
const enigma = new Enigma.EnigmaToken();
const SecretKey = "JwtSecretKey__!@#%^&*()_NJ";
const Encryptedtoken ="eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsIm5hbWUiOiJtdWxsYXlhbSJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoidGVzdCIsImlzcyI6ImVuaWdtYSIsImlhdCI6MTY5MjY5MzEyNCwiZXhwaXJlc0luIjoxNjkyNjkzMTI1NTM4fQ"
const tokenHeaders = enigma.getHeader(Encryptedtoken, SecretKey );
// const {alg,type} = enigma.getHeader(Encryptedtoken, SecretKey );
Output Will be:
const enigma = new Enigma.EnigmaToken();
const Encryptedtoken ="eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsIm5hbWUiOiJtdWxsYXlhbSJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoidGVzdCIsImlzcyI6ImVuaWdtYSIsImlhdCI6MTY5MjY5MzEyNCwiZXhwaXJlc0luIjoxNjkyNjkzMTI1NTM4fQ"
const isValid= enigma.confirm(Encryptedtoken);
Output Will be: if token is valid and not expired and not malformed
const enigma = new Enigma.EnigmaToken();
const SecretKey = "JwtSecretKey__!@#%^&*()_NJ";
const Encryptedtoken ="eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsIm5hbWUiOiJtdWxsYXlhbSJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoidGVzdCIsImlzcyI6ImVuaWdtYSIsImlhdCI6MTY5MjY5MzEyNCwiZXhwaXJlc0luIjoxNjkyNjkzMTI1NTM4fQ"
const decodedToken= decrypt.confirm(Encryptedtoken,SecretKey );
Output Will be:
"test": "test",
"iss": "enigma",
"iat": 1692693124,
"expiresIn": 1692693125538