Mukhtar-is / Product_Analysis-

This project aims to analyze the profitability of products sold in a departmental store during May 2020, a period significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. By examining sales patterns, customer preferences, and profitability metrics, the objective is to identify which products are more profitable for strategic decision making.

Repository from Github https://github.comMukhtar-is/Product_Analysis-Repository from Github https://github.comMukhtar-is/Product_Analysis-


This project aims to analyze the profitability of products sold in a departmental store during May 2020, a period significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. By examining sales patterns, customer preferences, and profitability metrics, the objective is to identify which products are more profitable for strategic decision-making. The analysis will involve data cleaning, descriptive analysis, trend analysis, profitability analysis, and customer behavior analysis. Visual representations such as graphs and charts will be used to highlight key insights. The findings will provide a solid foundation for future reports and recommendations, helping to inform investment and stocking decisions.


This project aims to analyze the profitability of products sold in a departmental store during May 2020, a period significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. By examining sales patterns, customer preferences, and profitability metrics, the objective is to identify which products are more profitable for strategic decision making.