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RDP Windows, Ubuntu & MacOS

TahaluIndo X Rdp BOT

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Reverse RDP into Windows on GitHub Actions

Ever wonder what the Desktop of the Windows Runners on GitHub Actions looks like?

This functionality is like Appveyor's RDP functionality for their Windows workers:


You need set secrets on settings → (NGROK or CF)

  • CF_DOMAIN For Cloudflare Custom Domain mode
  • NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN Needed only for NGROK mode
  • NGROK_REGION Needed only for NGROK mode (options: us,eu,ap,au,sa,jp,in)
  • PASSWORD RDP password
  • TG_CHAT_ID Telegram user id for get login url
  • TG_TOKEN Telegram bot token for get message from bot


These steps should be useful for debugging broken builds directly on the build worker. Use this project as reference and toss the steps into your project after some failing part of the build for introspection.

Option 1 (Easiest way 🚑- No sound)

  1. Go and login if needed.
  2. Copy Powershell command that page.
  3. Go actions tab in your forked repo.
  4. Select Chrome Remote Desktop
  5. Trigger action with your desired 6 digit pin and paste command in step 1.
  6. Go again step 1 link in remote Support tab.
  7. When setup finished , you can see the machine in list , write your pin and connect.
  8. Enjoy! ☕
  9. When you're done introspecting, cancel the job.

Option 2 (Easy way 🚘)

  1. Get the tunnel auth token at: .
  2. Under the repository's settings, make a secrets called NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN, NGROK_REGION,TG_TOKEN, TG_CHAT_ID and PASSWORD
  3. Trigger a NGROK in actions page.
  4. Wait until the last step which will hang forever as it connects to ngrok and sets up the reverse tunnel.
  5. Wait from telegram bot to get url
  6. Connect to the host and port combination with your RDP client of choice.
  7. Use the username runneradmin and use the PASSWORD you set in secrets
  8. Enjoy! ☕
  9. When you're done introspecting, cancel the job.

Option 3 (Harder but better performance ✈)

  1. Download cloudflared.exe
  2. Under the repository's settings, make a secrets called TG_TOKEN, TG_CHAT_ID and PASSWORD
  3. Trigger a cloudflared in actions page.
  4. Wait from telegram bot to get url and copy
  5. Open terminal/cmd and run this: cloudflared-windows-amd64.exe access rdp --hostname --url localhost:portfromlocal

    You can set any available port to portfromlocal

  6. Then open rdp connect program and run just localhost:portfromlocal
  7. Use the username runneradmin and use the PASSWORD you set in secrets
  8. TADAAAAA!!! low delay more performance ✈

Option 4 (Hardcore but best performance 🚀)

  1. Download cloudflared.exe
  2. Under the repository's settings, make a secrets called CF_DOMAIN ,TG_TOKEN, TG_CHAT_ID and PASSWORD
  3. Trigger a cloudflared_login in actions page.
  4. Wait from telegram bot to get url
  5. Click link and login your Cloudflare account, Select your domain What you want to use
  6. Open terminal/cmd and run this: cloudflared-windows-amd64.exe access rdp --hostname SUBDOMAIN.YOUR.CF.DOMAIN.HERE --url localhost:portfromlocal

    You can set any available port to portfromlocal

  7. Then open rdp connect program and run just localhost:portfromlocal
  8. TADAAAAA!!! low delay more performance 🚀

Useful Info

  • Runners can run jobs for up to 6 hours. So you have about 6 hours minus the minute setup time to poke around in these runners.
  • If using for introspection, add the continue-on-error property to the failing step before these remote connection steps.


Maybe as a GitHub Action? Oh well, this is fairly simple anyway. Or using something more FOSS than ngrok like ?

Similar Projects

These projects also allow remote introspection of very temporary environments like in GitHub Actions or other environments.

This repo based on Nelson Chen's reverse-rdp-windows-github-actions repo and much more developed by Kaan Dikeç and Muhammed Galip Uludağ

Thanks for c9ffin for chrome remote desktop idea

Baca Selengkapnya.

Not for Cryptocurrency Mining.
don't close the starter terminal (Connected to Github).

Speak RDP:

  • RAM: 6GB

  • OS: Windows 10

  • Core:4

Tunnel Servers👻.

  • us - United States (Ohio)
  • eu - Europe (Frankfurt)
  • ap - Asia/Pacific (Singapore)
  • au - Australia (Sydney)
  • sa - South America (Sao Paulo)
  • jp - Japan (Tokyo)
  • in - India (Mumbai)
  • id - Indonesia (Jakarta)

How to run the project.

Ngrok (RDP)
  • Click Fork in the right corner of the screen to save it to your Github.
  • Visit to get Ngrok Auth Token.
  • In Github go to Action> Windows (Ngrok RDP)> Run workflow.
  • In Value: visit Copy and Paste Your Authtoken into.
  • Password minimum 8-10 with numbers and characters leave blank if you want to use automatic password.
  • Press Run workflow.
  • Reload the page and press Windows (Ngrok RDP)> build.
  • Press the down arrow on Account for Connect to your RDP to get IP, User, Password.

Google Remote Desktop.
  • Visit to get Google Remote Desktop Code.
  • Click Start> Next> Allow> Copy Windows (Windows PowerShell) / Ubuntu (Debian Linux).
  • In Github go to Action> Windows/Ubuntu (Google Remote Desktop)> Run workflow.
  • In Value: Paste Code.
  • Press Run workflow.
  • Reload the page and press Windows/Ubuntu (Google Remote Desktop)> build.
  • Wait and visit to connect rdp.

Ngrok (NVC Viewer)

Use the te teamviewer to avoid the lag.

Ubuntu Desktop

Ubuntu Desktop.

Number Code Desktop Time Install
1 ubuntu Ubuntu 5-7 Minutes
2 ukui UKUI 3-5 Minutes
3 lxde LXDE 3-5 Minutes
4 mate Mate 4-7 Minutes
5 budgie Budgie 7-9 Minutes
6 kdep KDE Plasma 9-11 Minutes
7 deepin Deepin 2-4 Minutes
8 xfce XFCE 2-4 Minutes
9 cinnamon Cinnamon 6-8 Minutes
10 unity Unity 5-9 Minutes
11 xubuntu Xubuntu 15-19 Minutes
12 kubuntu Kubuntu 13-18 Minutes
13 lubuntu Lubuntu 10-20 Minutes
14 studio Ubuntu Studio 11-15 Minutes
15 kylin Ubuntu Kylin 7- 9 Minutes



License:MIT License


Language:Shell 48.3%Language:Batchfile 35.2%Language:PowerShell 16.5%