Muirfield / pmimporter

PocketMine-MP map importer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Summary: Import world maps into PocketMine-MP 1.4
  • WebSite: github


  • convert - main conversion tool
  • check - read world maps and analyze the block, object composition
  • entities - dump entity information
  • level - manipulate some level.dat settings
  • nbtdump - Dump the contents of NBT files
  • dumpchunk - Extract an specific chunk from a map so it can be processed by nbtdump.


A collection of tools used for importing world maps for use with PocketMine-MP and Minecraft PE. It can be used from the Command-line and also as a plugin for PocketMine-MP.

It supports the following input formats:

  • McRegion (Minecraft PC Edition, PocketMine v1.4)
  • Anvil (Minecraft PC Edition)
  • PMF (PocketMine v1.3)
  • mcpe020 (Minecraft PE 0.2.0-0.8.1)

Currently, it only support McRegion format for output.

When importing Minecraft PC Edition world maps (Anvil and McRegion formats) it will analyze the used blocks to make sure that only blocks supported by Minecraft PE are generated. It does this by either mapping these blocks or removing them. This conversion/fitering can be tweaked with an user provided rules file.

Similarly, Tiles and Entities that are not supported by Minecraft PE are eliminated.

This is done because using these unsupported features on a Minecraft PE client would cause the game to crash.

Command Usage

In general, the command usage is:

  • path-to-php-executable path-to-pmimporter.phar sub-command [options]



convert [-c rules.txt ] [-t count] [-f format] srcpath dstpath

Converts maps.

  • -c rules : Specify a rules conversion file.
  • -t count : Specifies the number of threads to run.
  • -f format : Specifies the output format. Defaults to mcregion.
  • -o offset : Specifies the y-offset for the import. A value for the number of blocks you want to move the world down. A negative value will move the world up. Be careful when moving the world down that you do not remove the ground.
  • srcpath : Directory path to the source world.
  • dstpath : Directory path to create the new world.

Also, convert allows you to specify special settings to tweak the format reader/writer code. These settings are specifc to each format. To configure you must pass the option:

  • --in.setting=value
    for the input format settings.
  • --out.setting-value
    for the output format settings.


check worldpath [--all|[rX,rZ[:cX,cZ[+cX,cZ]]] ...]

Analyze the number of chunks, blocks, etc in a world map.

  • worldpath : Directory path to world to analyze.
  • --all : If specified it will analyze all regions.
  • rX,rZ : Region X,Z coordinates.
  • :cX,cZ : Specify individual chunks (in Chunk offsets, from 0 to 31) to analyze.
  • +cX,cZ : Additional chunks to add to totals.


level worldpath [attr=value]

Displays and modifies certain level attributes.

  • worldpath : Directory path to world to display/modify.
  • attr=value : Modify the attr setting to value.

The following attributes are supported:

  • spawn=x,y,z : World spawn point.
  • name=text : Level name.
  • seed=integer : Random Seed.
  • generator=name[,version] : Terrain generator. PocketMine by default only supports flat and normal.
  • preset=preset : Alias for generatorOptions.
  • generatorOptions=preset : Terrain generator preset string. Ignored by the normal generator. Used by flat.


nbtdump nbt_file

Dumps the contents of an NBT formatted file.


dumpchunk worldpath rX,rY:cX,cY

Arguments are simmilar to pmcheck.

  • worldpath : Directory path to world to analyze.
  • rX,rZ : Region X,Z coordinates.
  • :cX,cZ : Specify individual chunks (in Chunk offsets, from 0 to 31) to dump.


Settings are configuration strings that can be used to tweak either the reading or the writing of maps. These are format specifc.

PMF1.3 Settings

  • Xoff : offsets chunks in the X direction. Values can be from -15 to 15, however, unless the values are from 0 (value) to 8, parts of the maps will be missing (as they will fall outside the region).
  • Zoff : offsets chunks in the Z direction. Values can be from -15 to 15, however, unless the values are from 0 (value) to 8, parts of the maps will be missing (as they will fall outside the region).
  • name : Changes the reported name of the map.
  • seed : Changes the reported seed of the map.
  • spawn : Accepts 3 numbers separated by commas. For example: 128,64,128. Changes the reported spawn location.
  • generator : Changes the reported map generator value.
  • preset : Changes the reported generator presets value.

McPe0.2.0 Settings

  • Xoff : offsets chunks in the X direction. Values can be from -15 to 15, however, unless the values are from 0 (value) to 8, parts of the maps will be missing (as they will fall outside the region).
  • Zoff : offsets chunks in the Z direction. Values can be from -15 to 15, however, unless the values are from 0 (value) to 8, parts of the maps will be missing (as they will fall outside the region).
  • name : Changes the reported name of the map.
  • seed : Changes the reported seed of the map.
  • spawn : Accepts 3 numbers separated by commas. For example: 128,64,128. Changes the reported spawn location.
  • generator : Changes the reported map generator value.
  • preset : Changes the reported generator presets value.



  • This software has only been tested on Linux
  • PHP v5.6.0, version used by PocketMine-MP v1.4.1. This one contains all dependancies.

Download pmimporter.phar and use. It does not need to be installed. If you want to use pmimporter as a PocketMine-MP plugin, copy the phar file to the PocketMine-MP plugins directory.

Configure translation

You can configure the translation by providing a rules file and passing it to pmcovert with the -c option. The format of rules.txt is as follows:

  • comments, start with ; or #.
  • BLOCKS - indicates the start of a blocks translation rules section.
  • source-block = target-block is a translation rule. Any block of type source-block is converted to target-block.

There is a default set of conversion rules, but you can tweak it by using rules.

PocketMine-MP Plugin

  • Summary: Import worlds
  • Dependency Plugins: n/a
  • PocketMine-MP version: 1.4 - API 1.10.0
  • OptionalPlugins: ManyWorlds
  • Categories: World Editing and Management, Admin Tools
  • Plugin Access: Commands, World Editing, Manages Worlds

Basic Usage:

  • /im path-to-map level

Runs pmimporter from within PocketMine-MP. See pmimporter for more information.


  • im version

Show the version of the pmimporter framework.

  • im path-to-map level
    • path-to-map : Is the file path towards the location of a map. By default the path is based from the PocketMine directory. You can also use a absolute path name.
    • level : This is the name that the world be given.


Because an import will use an AsyncTask for quite a while, it is recommended that you increase the async-workers value to something other than 1. This setting is in pocketmine.yml, in hte settings section.

You can configure the translation. This plugin will create a rules.txt in its data directory. The format of rules.txt contains:

Permission Nodes:

  • - Allows users to import maps


Importing maps is not something you would do while playing Minecraft. If you are using the plugin version, you should only run it on an idle server. Otherwise, it is better to use use pmimporter directly from the command line instead. You have more options available there.

Under Linux, pmimporter can use multiple threads which can speed-up things significantly.

Permission Nodes:

  • - Allows users to import maps


  • Q: Why it takes so long?
  • A: Because my programming skills suck. I usally start a conversion and go to bed. When I wake up in the morning the map is ready to play.
  • Q: Does it support LevelDB files (Pocket Edition v0.9.0 infinite worlds)? A: No, it does NOT. You need to convert those to Anvil format first using something like LevelDb2Avnil.
  • Q: Why tall builds seem to be chopped off at te top?
  • A: That is a limitation of Pocket Edition. It only supports chunks that are up to 128 blocks high, while the PC edition Anvil worlds can support up to 256 blocks high. You can shift worlds down by using the -o option. So if you use -o 40 that will move the build down 40 blocks. BE CAREFUL NOT TO REMOVE THE GROUND
  • Q: Why my Anvil format file is not recognized?
  • A: That happens with Anvil files that were converted from an McRegion file. These files contain both .mcr and .mca files. These confuses the File format recognizer. You need to delete the .mcr files so the world is recognized as in Anvil format.
  • Q: Why I experience glitches when I enter a new world?
  • A: This is a Minecraft Pocket Edition limitation. This is made worse by spawning into a very large chunk (usually very detailed builds). My recommendation is to change the spawn point to a very flat (boring) area. Sometimes exting and re-entering the game helps.
  • Q: Why I get corrupted chunks after I modify some (very detailed) areas?
  • A: You need to upgrade to PocketMine-MP v1.4.1
  • Q: Why I see some blocks that are not in the original map?
  • A: These have to do with how the translation happens. There are blocks that are not supported by Minecraft Pocket Edition. These need to be map to a block supported by MCPE. You can tweak this by modifying the conversion rules.
  • Q: Why do converted maps overload my server?
  • A: Detailed maps need to be uncompressed by the server. These take an additional load on the server.


Issues and Bugs

  • Performance is quite poor. It takes me 5 minutes to process a small map on Linux. Large maps can easily take days.
  • The only target format implemented is McRegion.
  • Anvil maps are silently truncated to be less than 128 blocks high.
    The PocketMine-MP core API only support Y dimensions for 0 to 127.
  • PMF v1.3 maps do not provide valid Entity data so it is ignored.
  • Entity data is a bit dodgy:
    • Dropped items are currently not copied. They sometimes crash the client.
    • PocketMine itself has incomplete Entity support, so things are copied but are usually ignored by PocketMine.
  • Conversion table could be better. I am open to suggestions.


  • merge chunks ... by selecting square regions and offsets
    • limit this at region|chunk resolution.
    • Always specify corners and merge
  • Add Shift regions option to Copier.php


  • 1.5upd2: Update
    • Added new blocks since 0.10
  • 1.5upd1: Bugfix
    • Minor fix in plugin code
  • 1.5: Bugfix
    • BugFixes in MCPE0.2.0 format.
    • BugFixes with region offsests on negative values
    • Tweaked builds and subcommand names
  • 1.4: Maintenance release
    • pmentities fix typos
    • minor text info tweaks
    • Added pmentity to dump entity data
    • Added region settings to MCPE0.2.0 and PMF1.3 formats.
    • Fixed offset functionality.
    • Filter out Dropped Item entities.
  • 1.3: OldSkool fixes
    • Added support for Tiles to PMF maps.
    • Added support for Tiles and Entities fo MCPE 0.2.0 maps.
    • Fixed HeightMap calculations in PMF and MCPE 0.2.0 formats
    • Added settings capability to tweak conversion.
    • Merged ImportMap and pmimporter into a single Phar file.
  • 1.2: Fixes
    • pmcheck: show height map statistics.
    • pmconvert: offset y coordinates
  • 1.1: OldSkool release
    • Added support for maps from Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.2.0 - 0.8.1
    • Added support for PMF maps from PocketMine v1.3.
  • 1.0 : First release


Some of the code used in this program come from PocketMine-MP, licensed under GPL.

Copyright (C) 2015 Alejandro Liu  
All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.


PocketMine-MP map importer


Language:PHP 100.0%