This notebook retrieves your trade data from Binance to calculate the pnl from your trading.
The methodology for calculating PNL is:
- Calculate the total amount of net base asset purchased (or sold) and the total amount of quote asset spent (or received)
- Calculate the value of these changes based on current asset spot price
- Calculate the value of the fees paid out in the trades
Note that this methodology is one way of trying to evaluate the benefit if your trading activity, i.e. doing something versus doing nothing. This does not capture any changes in portfolio value due to general market movements that may result in the appreciation of the value of base assets and quote assets.
Python 3.x
pip install -r requirements.txt
jupyter lab
clone the repo, open the jupyter notebook, fill keys, run the notebook locally
Go to colab :
open from github
Use a ready to go collab notebook(recommanded) :
Step 0) Select Runtime
=> Run all
Step 1) Input your read only API keys
Step 2) Input trading pair and start date
Step 3) click start
% gain and loss
is based on your current balance of base and quote asset. This may not be a comprehensive figure if (1) you have made deposits/withdrawals within the period being analyzed, and (2) if you are trading multiple pairs with overlapping base and quote assets
- binance ✅
- kucoin ✅
- ascendex ✅
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