MrKampla / solidity-dynamic-array

Resizable in-memory array for Solidity

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Solidity dynamic array

Resizable in-memory array for Solidity.

alt License: MIT


Have you ever wanted to create a resizable, in-memory Solidity array? Or a dynamic in-memory mapping? If you answered “yes”, then this library is for you. In order to create an in-memory Solidity Array, you have to specify its length upfront in order for the compiler to allocate enough memory. With solidity-dynamic-array package, you can use DynamicArray library together with LinkedList struct in order to fully utilize dynamic, resizable arrays. I was aiming to reproduce the JavaScript ES6 array methods, so you can enjoy functions such as map, filter and reduce etc. that we all know and love. Moreover, this package exports another dynamic in-memory data structure that is not available in native Solidity: a fully in-memory mapping object! Map struct uses dynamic arrays under the hood and thanks to that, you can create and edit mappings fully in memory.


npm i solidity-dynamic-array or yarn add solidity-dynamic-array


Dynamic Array

pragma solidity ^0.8.16;

import { DynamicArray, LinkedList, Node } from 'solidity-dynamic-array/contracts/DynamicArray.sol';

contract MyContract {
  // don't forget about "using" statement!
  using DynamicArray for LinkedList;

  function createDynamicInMemoryArray() public pure {
    // create empty list, you can also create a list based on array values - look up `from`, `fromStorage`
    // and `fromCalldata` methods
    LinkedList memory list = DynamicArray.empty();

    // add as many elements as you want!
    // length will be dynamically calculated
    require(list.length == 3);
    // you can also remove elements
    require(list.length == 2);

  struct MyStruct {
    uint256 myUint;
    string myString;

  // LinkedList can also store structs!
  function storeStructInDynamicInMemoryArray() public pure {
    LinkedList memory list = DynamicArray.empty();
    // list only accepts bytes values so don't forget to encode your struct before storing it in the list
    list.push(abi.encode(MyStruct(1337, 'example')));

    // when retreiving a struct from list, don't forget to decode the item
    MyStruct memory decodedStruct = abi.decode(list.get(0), (MyStruct));

    require(decodedStruct.myUint == 1337);
    require(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(decodedStruct.myString)) == keccak256('example'));

Array Map

pragma solidity ^0.8.16;

import { ArrayMap, Map } from 'solidity-dynamic-array/contracts/ArrayMap.sol';

contract MyContract {
  // don't forget about "using" statement!
  using ArrayMap for Map;

  function createDynamicInMemoryMap() public pure {
    // create empty Map, you can also create a map based on array values - look up methods starting with `from`
    Map memory map = ArrayMap.empty();

    map.set('a', 'b');
    map.set('c', 'd');
    map.set('e', 'f');
    // size will be dynamically calculated
    require(map.size() == 3);
    // you can also remove elements
    require(map.size() == 2);

  struct MyStruct {
    uint256 myUint;
    string myString;

  // Map can also store structs!
  function storeStructInDynamicInMemoryMap() public pure {
    Map memory map = ArrayMap.empty();
    // map only accepts bytes values so don't forget to encode your struct before storing it
    map.set('a', abi.encode(MyStruct(1337, 'example')));

    // when retreiving a struct from list, don't forget to decode the item
    MyStruct memory decodedStruct = abi.decode(map.get('a'), (MyStruct));

    require(decodedStruct.myUint == 1337);
    require(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(decodedStruct.myString)) == keccak256('example'));

DynamicArray Library

A library for managing dynamic in-memory arrays of bytes. This can hold any basic type or struct. Due to lack of generics in Solidity, this library uses a workaround to manage dynamic arrays of different types. Under the hood it is storing an arbitrary amount of bytes so in order to store a struct, it has to be encoded before storing (using abi.encode) and decoded after it is retreived from the list (using abi.decode). This library is meant to be used with the LinkedList struct. For brevity, it is recommended to add a 'using' statement to your contract: using DynamicArray for LinkedList;

ArrayMap Library

The ArrayMap library provides a way to store a mapping of keys to values where the keys are dynamic arrays of bytes. Like the DynamicArray library, this library uses the workaround of storing the keys and values as bytes and encoding/decoding them using abi.encode/abi.decode. The library is meant to be used with the Map struct.

The library provides functions to insert, update, remove, and get values from the mapping. It also provides functions to retrieve the keys and values, and get the size of the mapping.

Similar to the DynamicArray library, it is recommended to add a 'using' statement to your contract to make usage of this library more convenient. For example: using ArrayMap for Map;

Because of the fact that keys and values are stored in a dynamic in-memory array, the set and lookup times are O(n) where n is the number of elements in the map. Please note that this implementation is not optimized for big maps. Proceed with caution when using it with large amounts of data and check the gas usage.



Node is an element stored inside the linked list. Value is stored as bytes, so it can be any basic type or struct, it just has to be encoded before storing and decoded after retrieved from the list. The node also contains references to the previous and next element in the list. Node[] functions as a pointer, if it's empty list, it's null. If it has one element, it's the pointer to the next node.

struct Node {
  bytes value;
  Node[] previous;
  Node[] next;


LinkedList is a dynamic array of Nodes. It contains the length of the list and a pointer to the head of the list. If the list is empty, head is an empty array.

struct LinkedList {
  uint256 length;
  Node[] head;


Map is a key-value store consisting of two linked lists. Each key is stored in the keys list, and its corresponding value is stored in the values list at the same index. This allows for efficient retrieval and deletion of key-value pairs, as well as iteration over the map. Please note that the Map struct may not be suitable for large mappings due to gas usage. Each key-value pair added to the map incurs a certain amount of gas cost, which can become significant for large mappings, as array implementation of a mapping is not optimized for an efficient lookup and insert operations (it's O(n) time complexity).

struct Map {
  LinkedList keys;
  LinkedList values;

DynamicArray methods


function empty() internal pure returns (struct LinkedList)

Creates an empty LinkedList

Name Type Description
[0] struct LinkedList list The empty LinkedList


function from(bytes[] values) internal pure returns (struct LinkedList)

Creates a LinkedList from an in-memory array of bytes

Name Type Description
values bytes[] The array of bytes to create the LinkedList from
Name Type Description
[0] struct LinkedList list The LinkedList created from the array of bytes


function fromStorage(bytes[] values) internal view returns (struct LinkedList)

Creates a LinkedList from an array of bytes from storage

Name Type Description
values bytes[] The array of bytes to create the LinkedList from
Name Type Description
[0] struct LinkedList list The LinkedList created from the array of bytes


function fromCalldata(bytes[] values) internal pure returns (struct LinkedList)

Creates a LinkedList from an array of bytes from calldata

Name Type Description
values bytes[] The array of bytes to create the LinkedList from
Name Type Description
[0] struct LinkedList list The LinkedList created from the array of bytes


function fromSequence(uint256 end) internal pure returns (struct LinkedList newList)

Creates a list of numbers from 0 to end

Name Type Description
end uint256 The number to end the sequence
Name Type Description
newList struct LinkedList The new list created from the sequence


function fromSubrange(struct LinkedList list, uint256 start, uint256 end) internal pure returns (struct LinkedList)

Creates a new list of numbers witch is a subset of the original list from specified part

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to create a subset from
start uint256 The index to start the subset
end uint256 The index to end the subset
Name Type Description
[0] struct LinkedList newList the new list created from the subset


function push(struct LinkedList list, bytes value) internal pure

Pushes a new value to the end of the list

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to push the value to
value bytes The value to push to the list


function pop(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (bytes)

Removes the last value from the list

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to pop the value from
Name Type Description
[0] bytes value The value popped from the list


function tryPop(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (bool success, bytes removedItem)

Tries to pop the last value from list. If the list is empty, it returns false and does not revert.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to pop the value from
Name Type Description
success bool Whether the pop was successful
removedItem bytes The value popped from the list


function getNode(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index) internal pure returns (struct Node)

Retreives the Node element at the specified index without removing it

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to retreive the Node from
index uint256 The index of the Node to retreive


function tryGetNode(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index) internal pure returns (bool success, struct Node)

Tries to retreive the Node element at the specified index without removing it. If the index is out of bounds, it returns false and does not revert.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to retreive the Node from
index uint256 The index of the Node to retreive
Name Type Description
success bool Whether the call was successful
[1] struct Node The Node at the specified index


function get(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index) internal pure returns (bytes)

Retreives the value at the specified index without removing it

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to retreive the value from
index uint256 The index of the value to retreive


function tryGet(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index) internal pure returns (bool success, bytes value)

Tries to retreive the value at the specified index without removing it. If the index is out of bounds, it returns false and does not revert.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to retreive the value from
index uint256 The index of the value to retreive
Name Type Description
success bool Whether the call was successful
value bytes The value at the specified index


function set(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index, bytes value) internal pure

Sets the value at the specified index

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to set the value in
index uint256 The index of the value to set
value bytes The value to set


function trySet(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index, bytes value) internal pure returns (bool success)

Tries to set the value at the specified index. If the index is out of bounds, it returns false and does not revert.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to set the value in
index uint256 The index of the value to set
value bytes The value to set
Name Type Description
success bool Whether the call was successful


function insert(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index, bytes value) internal pure

Inserts a new value at the specified index

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to insert the value in
index uint256 The index to insert the value at
value bytes The value to insert


function tryInsert(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index, bytes value) internal pure returns (bool success)

Tries to insert a new value at the specified index. If the index is out of bounds, it returns false and does not revert.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to insert the value in
index uint256 The index to insert the value at
value bytes The value to insert
Name Type Description
success bool Whether the call was successful


function insertAll(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index, bytes[] values) internal pure

Inserts an array of values at the specified index

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to insert the values in
index uint256 The index to insert the values at
values bytes[] The values to insert


function tryInsertAll(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index, bytes[] values) internal pure returns (bool success)

Tries to insert an array of values at the specified index. If the index is out of bounds, it returns false and does not revert.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to insert the values in
index uint256 The index to insert the values at
values bytes[] The values to insert
Name Type Description
success bool Whether the call was successful


function appendAll(struct LinkedList list, bytes[] values) internal pure

Appends an array of values to the end of the list

This is equivalent to insertAll(list, list.length, values)

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to append the values to
values bytes[] The values to append


function addFirst(struct LinkedList list, bytes value) internal pure

Adds a value to the beginning of the list

This is equivalent to insert(list, 0, value)

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to add the value to
value bytes The value to add


function addLast(struct LinkedList list, bytes value) internal pure

Adds a value to the end of the list

This is equivalent to insert(list, list.length, value)

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to add the value to
value bytes The value to add


function getFirstElement(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (bytes)

Gets the first value in the list without removing it

This is equivalent to get(list, 0)

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to get the value from


function getLastElement(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (bytes)

Gets the last value in the list without removing it

This is equivalent to get(list, list.length - 1)

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to get the value from


function indexOf(struct LinkedList list, bytes value) internal pure returns (int256)

gets the index of the first occurance of the specified value

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to search
value bytes The value to search for
Name Type Description
[0] int256 the index of the first occurance of the specified value, or -1 if the value is not in the list


function lastIndexOf(struct LinkedList list, bytes value) internal pure returns (int256)

Gets the index of the last occurance of the specified value

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to search
value bytes The value to search for
Name Type Description
[0] int256 The index of the last occurance of the specified value, or -1 if the value is not in the list


function find(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) pure returns (bool) callback) internal pure returns (bytes)

Finds the first occurance of the specified in the list

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to search
callback function (bytes,uint256) pure returns (bool) The callback to call for each element in the list
Name Type Description
[0] bytes the first value from the list for which the callback returns true, or an empty bytes array if the callback never returns true


function contains(struct LinkedList list, bytes value) internal pure returns (bool)

Checks if the list contains the specified value

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to search
value bytes The value to search for
Name Type Description
[0] bool true if the list contains the specified value, false otherwise


function remove(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index) internal pure

Removes the first occurance of the specified value

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to remove the value from
index uint256 The index of the value to remove


function tryRemove(struct LinkedList list, uint256 index) internal pure returns (bool success)

Tries to removes the the element at the specified index. Returns false if the index is out of bounds and does not revert.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to remove the value from
index uint256 The index of the value to remove
Name Type Description
success bool true if the element was removed, false otherwise


function toArray(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (bytes[])

Creates a solidity array from the linked list

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to convert


function asAddressArray(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (address[] result)

Creates a solidity array of addresses from the linked list

This function should only be called if the list contains addresses

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList the list to convert
Name Type Description
result address[] the array of addresses


function asUintArray(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (uint256[] result)

Creates a solidity array of unsigned integers from the linked list

This function should only be called if the list contains unsigned integers

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList the list to convert
Name Type Description
result uint256[] the array of unsigned integers


function asIntArray(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (int256[] result)

Creates a solidity array of integers from the linked list

This function should only be called if the list contains integers

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList the list to convert
Name Type Description
result int256[] the array of integers


function asBoolArray(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (bool[] result)

Creates a solidity array of boolean values from the linked list

This function should only be called if the list contains boolean values

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList the list to convert
Name Type Description
result bool[] the array of boolean values


function asStringArray(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (string[] result)

Creates a solidity array of strings from the linked list

This function should only be called if the list contains strings

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList the list to convert
Name Type Description
result string[] the array of strings


function slice(struct LinkedList list, uint256 _from, uint256 _to) internal pure returns (struct LinkedList)

Creates a new list that only contains the elements between the specified range of the original list

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to slice
_from uint256 The index of the first element to include
_to uint256 The index of the last element to include
Name Type Description
[0] struct LinkedList the sliced list


function merge(struct LinkedList list, struct LinkedList _other) internal pure

Merges two lists together by appending the second list at the end of the first. The other list will be deep copied so it can be safely modified after this operation without affecting the result list.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to append to
_other struct LinkedList The list to be copied and appended


function concat(struct LinkedList list, struct LinkedList other) internal pure returns (struct LinkedList)

Creates a new list that is a result of concatenation of the lists passed as arguments. Both lists will be deep copied so they can be safely modified after this operation without affecting the result list.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The first list to concatenate
other struct LinkedList The second list to concatenate
Name Type Description
[0] struct LinkedList newList A new list that is a result of concatenation of the lists passed as arguments


function deepCopy(struct LinkedList list) internal pure returns (struct LinkedList copiedList)

Creates a deep copy of the list

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to copy
Name Type Description
copiedList struct LinkedList A copy of the original list


function some(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bool) callback) internal view returns (bool)

Iterates over the list and calls the callback function for each element in order to check if the condition is met for at least one element. Callbacks are only executed until one of the callback invocations returns true.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bool) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters.


function every(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bool) callback) internal view returns (bool)

Iterates over the list and calls the callback function for each element in order to check if the condition is met for all elements. Callbacks are only executed until one of the callback invocations returns false.

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bool) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters.
Name Type Description
[0] bool true If the callback returns true for all elements, false otherwise


function forEach(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) callback) internal

Iterates over the list and calls the callback function for each element

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters


function map(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bytes) callback) internal view returns (struct LinkedList)

Creates a new list with elements that are the result of calling the callback function for each element

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bytes) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters and returns a new item


function mapToUintArray(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (uint) callback) internal view returns (uint256[] memory)

Creates a new array of uint256 that are the result of calling the callback function for each element

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (uint256) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters and returns a new item
Name Type Description
[0] uint256[] memory A new array of uint256


function mapToIntArray(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (int) callback) internal view returns (int256[] memory)

Creates a new array of int256 that are the result of calling the callback function for each element

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (int256) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters and returns a new item
Name Type Description
[0] int256[] memory A new array of int256


function mapToBoolArray(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bool) callback) internal view returns (bool[] memory)

Creates a new array of boolean values that are the result of calling the callback function for each element

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bool) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters and returns a new item
Name Type Description
[0] bool[] memory A new array of boolean values


function mapToAddressArray(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (address) callback) internal view returns (address[] memory)

Creates a new array of addresses that are the result of calling the callback function for each element

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (address) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters and returns a new item
Name Type Description
[0] address[] memory A new array of addresses


function mapToStringArray(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (string) callback) internal view returns (string[] memory)

Creates a new array of string values that are the result of calling the callback function for each element

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to iterate over
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (string) The function to call for each element. It accepts the element and the index as parameters and returns a new item
Name Type Description
[0] string[] memory A new array of string values


function filter(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bool) callback) internal view returns (struct LinkedList)

Filters the list and creates a new list with the elements that match the condition

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to filter
callback function (bytes,uint256) view returns (bool) The function to check if element matches the condition. It accepts the element and the index as parameters.
Name Type Description
[0] struct LinkedList filteredList A new list with the elements that match the condition


function reduce(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,bytes,uint256) view returns (bytes) callback, bytes initialValue) internal view returns (bytes)

Reduces the list to a single value by calling the callback function for each element

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to reduce
callback function (bytes,bytes,uint256) view returns (bytes) The function to call for each element. It accepts the accumulator, the current element and the index as parameters.
initialValue bytes The initial value of the accumulator
Name Type Description
[0] bytes accumulator The final value of the accumulator


function sort(struct LinkedList list, function (bytes,bytes) view returns (int256) callback) internal view

Sorts the list using quicksort algorithm

The input list is not copied, so the original list is modified

Name Type Description
list struct LinkedList The list to sort
callback function (bytes,bytes) view returns (int256) The function to compare two elements. It accepts two elements and returns: -1 if the first element is smaller than the second element 0 if the first element is equal to the second element 1 if the first element is greater than the second element

LinkedList struct can't be stored in storage

When trying to add LinkedList as a storage variable in a contract, you'll encounter an error:

Compiler run failed
UnimplementedFeatureError: Copying of type struct Node memory[] memory to storage not yet supported.

Unfortunately, there is no way of storing nested structs directly in storage. What you can do is transform the LinkedList to an array through one of the as... methods (e.g. asAddressArray or asUintArray) and store the result array as a plain solidity array. Also, if you're storing structs in LinkedList, then you'd have to implement such casting function by yourself.

ArrayMap methods


function empty() internal pure returns (struct Map)

Creates an empty map.

Name Type Description
[0] struct Map An empty map.


function fromKeyValuePairs(bytes[][] keyValuePairs) internal pure returns (struct Map)

Creates a map from an unbounded list of key-value pairs.

Name Type Description
keyValuePairs bytes[][] A list of key-value pairs.
Name Type Description
[0] struct Map A map with the key-value pairs.


function fromEntries(bytes[] keys, bytes[] values) internal pure returns (struct Map)

Creates a map from two separate lists of keys and values.

Name Type Description
keys bytes[] A list of keys.
values bytes[] A list of values.
Name Type Description
[0] struct Map A map with the key-value pairs.


function set(struct Map map, bytes key, bytes value) internal pure

Sets a key-value pair in the map. If the key already exists, the value is updated. Otherwise, a new key-value pair is added.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to update
key bytes The key to set
value bytes The value to set


function get(struct Map map, bytes key) internal pure returns (bytes)

Gets the value associated with the key. If the key does not exist, the function reverts.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to get the value from
key bytes The key to get the value for
Name Type Description
[0] bytes The value associated with the key


function tryGet(struct Map map, bytes key) internal pure returns (bytes)

Gets the value associated with the key. If the key does not exist, the function returns an empty bytes value.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to get the value from
key bytes The key to get the value for
Name Type Description
[0] bytes The value associated with the key


function remove(struct Map map, bytes key) internal pure

Removes a key-value pair from the map. If the key does not exist, the function does nothing.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to remove the key-value pair from
key bytes The key to remove


function contains(struct Map map, bytes key) internal pure returns (bool)

Checks if the map contains a key.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to check
key bytes The key to check
Name Type Description
[0] bool True if the map contains the key, false otherwise


function size(struct Map map) internal pure returns (uint256)

Gets the number of key-value pairs in the map.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to get the size of
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 The number of key-value pairs in the map


function getKeys(struct Map map) internal pure returns (bytes[])

Gets the keys of the map.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to get the keys from
Name Type Description
[0] bytes[] The array of keys of the map


function getValues(struct Map map) internal pure returns (bytes[])

Gets the values of the map.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to get the values from
Name Type Description
[0] bytes[] The array of values of the map


function clear(struct Map map) internal pure

Clears the map by removing all key-value pairs.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to clear


function entries(struct Map map) internal pure returns (bytes[] _keys, bytes[] _values)

Gets the key-value pairs of the map.

Name Type Description
map struct Map The map to get the key-value pairs from
Name Type Description
_keys bytes[] The array of keys of the map
_values bytes[] The array of values of the map


👤 Kamil Planer

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

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Resizable in-memory array for Solidity


Language:Solidity 100.0%