Mr-Z-2697 / ddfi-rife

A clumsy video auto duplication remove and frame interpolate script (mainly for 24fps cfr animation with dup-frames)

Repository from Github https://github.comMr-Z-2697/ddfi-rifeRepository from Github https://github.comMr-Z-2697/ddfi-rife



dedup frame interpolate

A clumsy video auto duplication remove and frame interpolate script (mainly for 24fps cfr animation with dup-frames (by dup-frames I mean the shot on twos, threes and etc. things)

The basic idea:

  1. Remove duplicated frames (resulting a vfr video that technically has minimal fps 8)
  2. Interpolate 8x (to ensure minimal fps parts will be above 60fps after interpolation)
  3. Extract timestamps from de-dupped video, then calculate the timestamps of interpolated frames
  4. "Correct" the interpolated video with caculated timestamps
  5. Convert to 60fps cfr video

(yeah, its basically just simply excuting commands automatically except new-timestamps calculating part)
(this is old concept and is not how the script now operates, but the general idea is the same)


run -h or python -h for detail


left: this script(rife ver.) | right: use rife directly (2-pass, with mvtools to make 24->96->60)



more visible artifacts because you are actually interpolating frames instead of f***ing with same frames over and over

rife ver.: IMG svp ver.: IMG


A clumsy video auto duplication remove and frame interpolate script (mainly for 24fps cfr animation with dup-frames)


Language:Python 100.0%