MovingEarth / beanie-fastapi-demo

Demo project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Beanie FastAPI Demo

This is an example project demonstrating the use of Beanie ODM in a FastAPI application


This demo is based on python3 and uses Poetry to manage dependencies. Make sure you have installed poetry using the installation instructions before you begin.

As beanie is an ODM for MongoDB it needs a MongoDB database to run. If you already have a Mongo database running, change the settings in beanie_fastapi_demo/ accordingly. In other cases it is recommended to run MongoDB using docker and docker-compose.

Install the requirements

Installing the requirements using poetry is easy, just run the command below

poetry install

Run MongoDB

To run MongoDB using docker-compose, run

docker-compose -f docker-compose-mongodb.yml up -d

Start the app

To activate the environment managed by poetry and run the application, run

poetry run beanie-fastapi-demo

The demo application can now be reached on

Interactive API Docs

If you go to you will see the automatic interactive API documentation generated with Swagger UI

Alternatively you can go to see the automatic interactive API documentation generated with Redoc


Other example projects


Demo project


Language:Python 100.0%