Movie-Ticket-Booking-Group / Movie-Ticket-Booking-Project

The Movie Ticket Booking Java Project is a collaborative effort by two students. The application enables users to search for movies, book tickets and view booking history. The project utilizes Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Postman, Docker and PostgreSQL for data storage.

Repository from Github https://github.comMovie-Ticket-Booking-Group/Movie-Ticket-Booking-ProjectRepository from Github https://github.comMovie-Ticket-Booking-Group/Movie-Ticket-Booking-Project


This is a project created by two students with a goal to develop a backend system for a movie ticket booking platform that allows users to search for movies, book tickets, make payment and view booking history. The project is built using Java and Spring Boot framework.


  • Browse Movies: Users can view a list of available movies.
  • Search and Filter: Users can search for movies based on title, date, location, genre and movie ID.
  • Movie Details: Users can view detailed information about a specific movie, including title, director, description, genre, date, location, total seats, available seats, and price of ticket.
  • Booking Tickets: Users can book tickets for a movie by specifying the movie ID, quantity of tickets, and total price.
  • Booking History: Users can view their booking history, which includes details of movies they have booked, such as title, director, description, genre, date, location, booked tickets, and total price.
  • Add/Delete/Update Movies: Admin users can add new movies, delete existing movies, and update movie information.


Java, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Postman, PostgreSQL Database and Docker

API Endpoints

  • GET /movie: Get a list of movies.
  • GET /movie/{id}: Get detailed information about a specific movie.
  • GET /movie?genre=Drama: Get a list of movies based on genre.
  • GET /movie?date=2024-05-10: Get a list of movies based on date.
  • GET /movie?title=Whiplash: Get a list of movies based on title.
  • GET /movie?location=Cineplexx: Get a list of movies based on location.
  • GET /movie/booking/history: Get booking history.
  • POST /movie: Add a new movie.
  • POST /movie/booking/{movieId}/{tickets}/{payment}: Create a new booking.
  • DELETE /movie/{movieId}: Delete a movie.
  • PUT /movie/{movieId}: Update movie information.


The Movie Ticket Booking Java Project is a collaborative effort by two students. The application enables users to search for movies, book tickets and view booking history. The project utilizes Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Postman, Docker and PostgreSQL for data storage.


Language:Java 100.0%