MounishT / Hackathon-DE

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


(i) Teams will have to design a combinational/sequential circuit as the solution for the problem statement.

Problem solving steps:

Given the requirement to design combinational and sequential circuits for addressing traffic congestion in metropolitan cities, here's a more detailed breakdown of potential circuits:

  1. Traffic Light Controller:

    • Combinational logic can be used to determine the optimal timing for traffic signals based on inputs such as traffic flow, pedestrian crossings, and time of day.
    • Sequential logic can be employed to control the sequence of traffic light changes and to ensure smooth transitions between states.
  2. Traffic Flow Monitoring:

    • Combinational circuits can process inputs from sensors detecting vehicle presence and count the number of vehicles passing through.
    • Sequential circuits can be utilized to store and analyze historical traffic data, identifying patterns and predicting future congestion.
  3. Traffic Signal Coordination:

    • Combinational logic can be used to coordinate signals at intersections, ensuring that green lights are synchronized to facilitate continuous traffic flow.
    • Sequential logic can help maintain the timing of signal changes and adjust them dynamically based on real-time traffic conditions.
  4. Dynamic Lane Management:

    • Combinational circuits can control lane direction indicators based on inputs such as traffic volume and congestion levels.
    • Sequential circuits can manage the switching of lanes, ensuring smooth transitions and preventing collisions.
  5. Route Optimization:

    • Combinational logic can be employed to calculate optimal routes based on inputs such as traffic data, road conditions, and distance.
    • Sequential logic can store and update route information, guiding drivers through the most efficient paths.
  6. Vehicle Priority Systems:

    • Combinational circuits can determine priority for vehicles such as emergency vehicles, public transport, and high-occupancy vehicles based on predefined criteria.
    • Sequential circuits can manage the allocation of priority lanes and signals, ensuring that priority vehicles can move smoothly through traffic.
  7. Traffic Data Analysis:

    • Combinational logic circuits can process raw traffic data collected from sensors and detectors, performing tasks such as filtering, sorting, and aggregating.
    • Sequential circuits can analyze the processed data over time, identifying trends, patterns, and areas of congestion.
  8. Adaptive Traffic Control:

    • Combinational logic can be used to design algorithms for adaptive traffic control, which dynamically adjust traffic signal timings and lane configurations based on real-time inputs.
    • Sequential logic circuits can implement learning mechanisms that adapt the system's behavior over time based on observed traffic patterns and feedback.

(ii) Final and intermediate outputs of the code/RTL Schematic implementation will be observed and will be given high weightage.

Verilog Code:

module traffic(
    input clk,             // Clock input
    input reset,           // Reset input
    input vehicle_NS,      // Vehicle presence in North-South direction
    input vehicle_EW,      // Vehicle presence in East-West direction
    input pedestrian_NS,   // Pedestrian crossing in North-South direction
    input pedestrian_EW,   // Pedestrian crossing in East-West direction
    output reg green_NS,   // North-South green light
    output reg yellow_NS,  // North-South yellow light
    output reg red_NS,     // North-South red light
    output reg green_EW,   // East-West green light
    output reg yellow_EW,  // East-West yellow light
    output reg red_EW      // East-West red light

parameter NS_GREEN = 2'b00;
parameter NS_YELLOW = 2'b01;
parameter EW_GREEN = 2'b10;
parameter EW_YELLOW = 2'b11;

// Define signal timing parameters
parameter GREEN_DURATION = 10;  // Duration for green light in clock cycles
parameter YELLOW_DURATION = 2;  // Duration for yellow light in clock cycles

// Define internal signals for FSM
reg [1:0] state;
reg [3:0] timer;

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
    if (reset) begin
        state <= NS_GREEN;  // Initialize FSM to North-South green
        timer <= 0;
    end else begin
        // FSM state transitions
        case (state)
            NS_GREEN: begin
                if (timer >= GREEN_DURATION) begin
                    state <= NS_YELLOW;  // Transition to North-South yellow
                    timer <= 0;
                end else if (vehicle_EW || pedestrian_NS) begin
                    state <= EW_GREEN;  // Transition to East-West green
                    timer <= 0;
                end else begin
                    timer <= timer + 1;
            NS_YELLOW: begin
                if (timer >= YELLOW_DURATION) begin
                    state <= EW_GREEN;  // Transition to East-West green
                    timer <= 0;
                end else begin
                    timer <= timer + 1;
            EW_GREEN: begin
                if (timer >= GREEN_DURATION) begin
                    state <= EW_YELLOW;  // Transition to East-West yellow
                    timer <= 0;
                end else if (vehicle_NS || pedestrian_EW) begin
                    state <= NS_GREEN;  // Transition to North-South green
                    timer <= 0;
                end else begin
                    timer <= timer + 1;
            EW_YELLOW: begin
                if (timer >= YELLOW_DURATION) begin
                    state <= NS_GREEN;  // Transition to North-South green
                    timer <= 0;
                end else begin
                    timer <= timer + 1;
            default: state <= NS_GREEN;  // Default to North-South green

// Output control based on FSM state
always @* begin
    case (state)
        NS_GREEN: begin
            green_NS = 1'b1;
            yellow_NS = 1'b0;
            red_NS = 1'b0;
            green_EW = 1'b0;
            yellow_EW = 1'b0;
            red_EW = 1'b1;
        NS_YELLOW: begin
            green_NS = 1'b0;
            yellow_NS = 1'b1;
            red_NS = 1'b0;
            green_EW = 1'b0;
            yellow_EW = 1'b0;
            red_EW = 1'b1;
        EW_GREEN: begin
            green_NS = 1'b0;
            yellow_NS = 1'b0;
            red_NS = 1'b1;
            green_EW = 1'b1;
            yellow_EW = 1'b0;
            red_EW = 1'b0;
        EW_YELLOW: begin
            green_NS = 1'b0;
            yellow_NS = 1'b0;
            red_NS = 1'b1;
            green_EW = 1'b0;
            yellow_EW = 1'b1;
            red_EW = 1'b0;
        default: begin
            green_NS = 1'b1;
            yellow_NS = 1'b0;
            red_NS = 1'b0;
            green_EW = 1'b0;
            yellow_EW = 1'b0;
            red_EW = 1'b1;


RTL View:



Successfully developed the solution for Traffic Congestion in Metro Cities using verilog code.
