Moumita7 / WeatherApp

WeatherApp is a user-friendly application that provides real-time weather information for any city in the world as well as the current location of the user. With its intuitive interface and accurate weather data, users can stay informed about the latest weather conditions and plan their activities accordingly.

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WeatherApp: Real-Time Weather for Any City and Current Location

WeatherApp is a user-friendly application that provides real-time weather information for any city in the world as well as the current location of the user. With its intuitive interface and accurate weather data, users can stay informed about the latest weather conditions and plan their activities accordingly.
Deployed Link:

Teck Stack

React | context-api | react-router-dom | CSS


- High-performant applications using the Realtime OpenWeatherMap API

- Users can easily search for the weather of any city worldwide. Simply type the city name in the search bar, and WeatherApp will display the current weather conditions, including temperature, humidity, and more.

-Optimise Search using Debouncing

- Current Location Weather: Click the "Get Current Location" button to fetch the weather details based on your current location.


Provide instructions on how to install and set up your project locally. Include any prerequisites or dependencies required. For example: Clone the repository:
Install dependencies: npm install
Start the development server: npm run dev


image image


WeatherApp is a user-friendly application that provides real-time weather information for any city in the world as well as the current location of the user. With its intuitive interface and accurate weather data, users can stay informed about the latest weather conditions and plan their activities accordingly.


Language:JavaScript 66.5%Language:CSS 31.5%Language:HTML 2.1%