MoritzM00 / AgePrediction-UTKFace

Age Prediction from Facial Images using Deep CNNs

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Age Prediction from Facial Images using Deep CNNs

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With the provided CLI, you can train several CNNs, from custom to pretrained, on the UTKFace dataset. The dataset is available here. Besides the relatively small UTK Face Dataset, it is also possible to use the much larger B3F-Dataset (B3FD), which is around 6GB in size.


Before using the CLI, you need to install the package. Refer to the Installation Instructions for more information.

Then, you can use the CLI to train a model:

train <option>=<value> <option>=<value> ...

e.g. to train the EfficientNetV2B0-Model on the UTKFace dataset with default parameters, run:

train model=efficientnetv2 model.version=B0

By default it uses the UTKFace dataset. You can also train on B3FD, using dataset=b3fd as additional configuration. Also note, that by default it logs to Weights & Biases. You can disable this by setting wandb.mode=offline.

CLI Usage

Run train --help to see a quick overview for the most important options. This will also list all default values.

If you run train without any options, it will use the default values for all options which are defined in src/conf/. You can override these values by passing them as arguments to the CLI.

  • dataset: either utkface or b3fd
  • lr_schedule: either cosine_decay or exponential_decay
  • model: many options available, e.g. efficientnetv2 or baselinecnn. See train --help for all options
  • optimizer: either adam or adamw

Running K-Fold Cross Validation

Specify the number of folds, e.g. train.cv_folds=5 to train with 5-Fold Cross Validation. This will train K models and evaluate them on the test set. The final score test score is calculated on a hold-out test set (different from the test set within the Cross Validation) using the ensemble prediction (average the output of all K models).

If train.cv_folds=null (default) it will use a ordinary train-test-split, as specified with train.test_size (default: 0.2). This test size determines the size of the hold-out test set, which is used to calculate the final test score in cross validation.

Options regarding the Model

For most pretrained models, you can specify the version/size of the model seperately. E.g. for efficientnetv2 you can specify model.version=B0 to use the B0 version of the model. See here for a detailed specification of the pretrained models on Keras.

Finetuning a pretrained model

The pretrained models are trained in two-stage fashion as it is described on Keras here.

  1. Train only the top layers of the model with a larger learning rate.
  2. Fine-tune the whole (or a part of the) model with a smaller learning rate.

This behavior is determined based on the settings of model.freeze_base, model.finetune_base and model.num_finetune_layers.

  • freeze_base: If true, it will freeze the base model (default: true). This means that only the top layers are trained.
  • finetune_base: If true, it will fine-tune the base model. This means that the whole model is trained in the second stage. This setting depends on the model in use.
  • num_finetune_layers: The number of layers to fine-tune. If all, it will fine-tune the whole (base) model. If not null it must be an integer greater 0. E.g. use model.num_finetune_layers=20 to finetune the top 20 layers of the base model (ignores the top layers outside of the base model)

.. warning:: Using an integer to specify the number of layers to fine-tune does not work currently. Use all instead.

Switching out the top-layer-architecture

You can specify the top layer architecture with model.top_layer_architecture._target_. This must point to valid reference in src.top_layer_architectures

For example: The resnet top is specified via model.top_layer_architecture._target_='src.top_layer_architectures.resnet_top'

Available top layer architectures are

  • src.top_layer_architectures.resnet_top (usually performs well)
  • src.top_layer_architectures.pass_through
  • src.top_layer_architectures.vgg_top
  • src.top_layer_architectures.fully_connected
  • src.top_layer_architectures.fully_connected_with_dropout
  • src.top_layer_architectures.conv_with_fc_top (not recommended)

Other important Options

This is an overview of other important options to configure the training process.

Training-related Options

  • train.target_size: Specify the size of the images (default: [150, 150]). Note that some models require a minimum size. For VGGFace this must be at least [224, 224]. For SENet50 it must be at least [197, 197].
  • train.cache_dataset: If True, it will cache the dataset in memory. This is recommended for the UTKFace dataset, but not for B3FD, because it is too large.
  • train.batch_size: The batch size for training. Default: 32
  • train.epochs: The number of epochs to train. Default: 150
  • lr_schedule.stage_1.initial_learning_rate: The initial learning rate for the first stage of training (and stage_2 analogously)

Data Augmentation If True, it will use data augmentation. Default: True. You can specify the augmentation options in augment.factors. E.g. augment.factors.random_rotation=0.1 to specify the rotation range or augment.factors.random_rotation=null to disable only the rotation.

Available augmentations:

  • random_rotation: Randomly rotate the image by a given angle
  • random_brightness: Randomly change the brightness of the image
  • random_translation: Randomly translate th image
  • random_flip: Randomly flip the image horizontally or vertically (or both)


  • callbacks.early_stopping_patience: Set the early stopping patience (default: 5)
  • callbacks.model_ckpt: If true, it will save the best model checkpoint after each epoch. Default: false
  • callbacks.with_wandb_ckpt: If true, it will save the best model checkpoint to Weights & Biases. Default: false.
  • callbacks.visualize_predictions: If true, it will visualize the predictions of the model on the validation set after each epoch. Default: false. This requires wandb to be active.


  • wandb.mode: either online or offline. If online, it will log to Weights & Biases. If offline, it will still use Weights & Biases, but it does not require an account.
  • wandb.project: The name of the Weights & Biases project. Default: UTKFace-v2

Installation Instructions

  1. Create a virtual environment with Python 3.9 or higher. It is highly recommended to use Conda because of the Tensorflow dependency.
  2. Install the package with pip install . or poetry install

This is already provided via the Makefile. You can just run

make setup

to create a conda environment and install the package into it.

Developer Guide

Set up the environment

  1. Install Poetry
  2. Set up the environment:
make setup

Install new packages

To install new PyPI packages, run:

poetry add <package-name>

To add dev-dependencies, run:

poetry add <package-name> --group dev


The Documentation is automatically deployed to GitHub Pages.

To view the documentation locally, run:

make docs_view


This project was generated with the Light-weight Python Template by Moritz Mistol.


Age Prediction from Facial Images using Deep CNNs

License:MIT License


Language:Python 61.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 37.5%Language:Makefile 1.4%