MoonLGH / TcukawiWa

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TcukawiWa - Open Source Whatsapp Bot

TcukawiWa is an open-source Whatsapp bot built using @open-wa/wa-automate and @discordjs/collection for the command handler. It is designed to automate various tasks and help you interact with your contacts on Whatsapp in a convenient and efficient manner.

Command List

A full list of available commands can be found at This list is regularly updated to include new features and functionality. If you would like to suggest a new command or feature, feel free to open an issue or make a pull request.

Ubuntu/Linux Installation Note

For a better experience running TcukawiWa on Ubuntu/Linux, it is recommended to install ./chrome/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb using apt install. This will ensure that all dependencies required by @open-wa/wa-automate are properly installed and the bot runs smoothly.

To install the package, run the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt install ./chrome/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb


Installing TcukawiWa is easy, simply follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone
  2. Navigate to the TcukawiWa directory using cd TcukawiWa
  3. Run npm i to install the dependencies
  4. Create a .env file and include the following environment variables:
    • Secret (optional) - for the #genshinclaim command, should be in the format {"env":{"token":"token","account_id":"id","uid":"uid"}}
    • Licenses - @open-wa licenses that you have bought/obtained
    • MongoURL - the MongoDB URL to connect to your database
    • OPENAI_API_KEY - the OpenAI API key obtained from to use the #ai command
    • Sauce_API - the SauceNao API key obtained from to use the #sauce command
    • HasteBinToken - The api token to Hastebin for uploading 1000 > letter #eval (optional)
  5. Start the bot by running npm run start

Technology Stack

TcukawiWa is built using Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment, and @open-wa/wa-automate, a library for automating Whatsapp chats.

Creating New Commands

To create a new command in Raw MD, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the src/commands/ directory and find or create an appropriate folder for the category of the command you want to add.

  2. In the folder, create a new file named command.ts.

  3. Export the following variables in the file:

export const name = ""; // name is what will be used on (PREFIX)name
export const description = ""; // description is what will be shown on the help command
export const alias = []; // Optional which can be used as an alternative name
  1. Import the following:
import {Message} from "@open-wa/wa-automate";
import {Client} from "../../util/extend/Client";
  1. Export a function that will execute the command. The template for the function should look like this:
export async function run(client:Client, message:Message) {
// Your code here
  1. Your function should ideally return void.

Once you have completed these steps, your command is ready to use. You can now use it in the chat by typing PREFIX followed by the name of the command. If you want to see a list of available commands, you can type PREFIX help in the chat.


TcukawiWa is an open-source project and contributions are welcome. If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create your feature branch using git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes using git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch using git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Create a new Pull Request


TcukawiWa is licensed under the MIT License.



Language:TypeScript 99.0%Language:JavaScript 1.0%