Moogsy / Moogsy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hello there !

Moogs here, survivor of France's mathematics "prépa" and programming enthusiast.

You'll find all sorts of things here, feel free to dig through, as most of my projects will be licensed under MIT.


My two main interests, programming and drawing, are linked by a will to give free rein to my imagination.

Computer-related skillset

Name Used for Skill level Comment Reference project (WIP)
Python 4 years Proficient Mainly used for scientific purposes Compilation of algorithms
Rust 3 years Beginner On hold for now Colorful version of the POSIX command ls
LaTeX 3 years Average Able to use popular libraries Collection of mathematics exercices
Shell 3 years Beginner Used daily x
Java < 1 year Decent Made a compiler using it x
C# < 1 year Decent Hoping to use it with Unity x
C < 1 year Decent Required by school x
C++ < 1 year Beginner Side projects x
VimScript < 1 year Beginner Fun x


Name Skill (oral) Skill (written) Comment
French Proficient Proficient Native language
Japanese Beginner Beginner School mandated
English Decent Decent Practicing daily, can write better than I speak
Vietnamese Remnants Nonexistant Able to understand common vocabulary
German Remnants Remnants Long-gone memories from high school
