Momo-ohneEnde / threejs-praxisprojekt-goethe

A prototypical 3D visualization created with three.js for exploring Goethe's letters

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is related to a student project within the M.A. Digitale Methodik in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften (Digital Humanities) at the University of Mainz. Here you can find the outcome of this project – a prototypical 3D visualization for exploring data related to Goethe's letters. The visualization was implemented with three.js. For the data preparation and preprocessing steps XQuery and ramda.js were used. The research project PROPYLÄEN kindly provided the XML data for this student project.

The prototype's design is inspired by the concept of Space-Time Cubes by Eva Mayr and Florian Windhager (see article Once Upon a Spacetime) as well as by periodic table from the three.js examples collection which uses three.js to represent the elements of the periodic table as sphere and helix. In terms of user guidance the visualization follows Shneiderman's Visual Information-Seeking Mantra by presenting first an overview (kugel representation), then offering various zooming and filtering options in the sphere and helix view and finally providing details on demand by means of the single place view.

The aim was to create a 3D user interface which could serve as an entry point for exploratory (re)search processes, thus providing new perspectives on the data which then in turn might lead to new research questions. The prototype displays only a small fraction of the data, but it could possibly be expanded, e.g. by increasing time span and geographical area or by considering other document types like diaries (the filter panel already includes a placeholder for the latter). Prospectively, letter representations in the single place view could also link directly to their respective full text on the PROPYLÄEN platform.

What You Can Explore

➡️ 3D visualization of Goethe's letters

➡️ Script documentation

What to Find in the Visualization

Data: letters written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (metadata)

Time span: 1764-1772

Places: Frankfurt, Worms, Darmstadt, Wiesbaden


  • Map view (as kugel, sphere, helix)
  • Single place view (as sphere) → click on placename in map view

Filter categories:

  • date range
  • place
  • document type
  • letter status (sent, received)
  • sex of recipient

What to Find in This Repo

\bundler contains the webpack configuration files.

\docs contains a JsDoc documentation of the visualization scripts that create map view and single place view.

\data_prep contains everything related to data cleaning, preparation and aggregation. The subfolders 01_xquery and 02_ramda include input data, scripts and output of the two main data preparation steps.


  • \input is a collection xml files of Goethe's letters (not part of this repo).
  • \script contains the xquery script that retrieves relevant data from the xml files and saves them as JSON.
  • \output contains the JSON output files.


  • \input includes the JSON files created via XQuery in the step before. gb_01_compact_array.json contains the same data as gb_01_compact.json but the outer object structure is removed, leaving only the array as input for the ramda.js data prepareation scripts.
  • \scripts contains the data preparation scripts used to clean, filter and enhance the data and thus prepare it for its use within the visualization.
  • \output_indexjs contains all the output files of the index.js data preparation script.
  • \output_mergejs contains the result of merging the files letters_json_grouped_received.json and letters_json_grouped_sent.json created in the step before. The merged file contains the final data to be loaded in the visualization.

\src contains the source files for map view and single place view. In dev mode – with npm run dev – only one of the two views can be displayed at the same time depending on the settings in webpack.common.js.

\dist is where the output of the most recent build is stored. With each new build the content is overwritten. Builds for single place view and map view have to be created separately. (not part of this repo)

\final contains the ready-to-view builds of map view and single view. By starting a python webserver from this folder locally on your machine, the visualization can be accessed.

How to View the Visualization Locally

To start the visualization, you need a local webserver, e.g. from Python.

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Navigate to \final

  3. Start the webserver: python -m http.server 8000 --bind

  4. Open the visualization in your browser:

  5. Have fun exploring Goethe's letters! ✉️ ✉️ ✉️


A prototypical 3D visualization created with three.js for exploring Goethe's letters


Language:JavaScript 87.9%Language:HTML 6.2%Language:CSS 5.0%Language:XQuery 0.9%