Moldia / HybrISS

This repository includes the scripts and files assiciated with Hower ISS project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository includes the scripts and files assiciated with the HybrISS manuscript (

Code found in this folder

Two main folders are present in this repository, incuding:

  1. Preprocess: includes all the scripts used for (1) stiching the images, doing the maximum intensity projection and (2) detecting the spots and segmenting individual cells based on DAPI
  2. Analysis: includes all the code used for, based on the segmented cells/spots, generate the figures presented in the manuscript. Each script has the name of the figure generated.


This repository includes the scripts and files assiciated with Hower ISS project


Language:MATLAB 91.2%Language:Java 5.2%Language:Jupyter Notebook 1.7%Language:C++ 1.4%Language:Python 0.3%Language:R 0.1%Language:Batchfile 0.0%