Mojtaba Abtahi's repositories
This repository contains a CPU scheduling algorithms simulator implemented in Python. The simulator allows users to explore and compare different CPU scheduling algorithms, including First Come, First Served (FCFS), Shortest Job First (SJF), Round Robin, and Priority Scheduling. The project includes a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Anserini is a Lucene toolkit for reproducible information retrieval research
blogpy project based on python 3.8 and django 3
This repository is aimed to showcasing the potential of machine learning models in generating Python code based on user input. The project utilizes the GitHub API to collect Python repositories, preprocesses the data, trains a GPT-2 language model, and generates Python code using the trained model.
This repository contains a Python implementation of a feedforward neural network for classifying the Fashion-MNIST dataset using NumPy.
This repository focuses on implementing an attention-based Encoder-Decoder model for Neural Machine Translation (NMT). The model is designed to translate text between English and Farsi using a sequence-to-sequence architecture.
This repository contains code for performing part-of-speech (POS) tagging on the Penn Treebank dataset using the Viterbi algorithm and a recurrent neural network (RNN).
This repository contains an implementation of a genetic algorithm for solving Sudoku puzzles. The genetic algorithm is a heuristic search technique inspired by the process of natural selection and evolution
This project provides a Python implementation for lane detection using OpenCV library. It uses the Hough Transform algorithm to detect lines in video frames and draw the final lane lines on the original frames.
This repository contains an implementation of the Naive Bayes Classifier for predicting the category of items in the Divar dataset. The Divar dataset consists of information about items being sold on an online platform
This repository implements BPE and WordPiece text compression techniques for NLP and compares their performance.
This repository contains a solution for the Parking Lot Puzzle, a artificial intelligence problem. The goal of the puzzle is to navigate the red car to the exit by sliding the other cars within a parking lot grid. The solution is implemented in Python and utilizes the A* search algorithm to find the shortest path
Pyserini is a Python toolkit for reproducible information retrieval research with sparse and dense representations.
A Django rest API for generating recipie list for user
This repository contains the Java implementation of the Quoridor Game, a popular strategy board game. The project provides a graphical user interface (GUI) where players can compete against each other on a virtual game board. It offers an engaging and strategic gaming experience for 2 to 4 players, including cup tournaments with 4 or 8 players.