The application is part of the test for junior front-end developer from Venturus.
- The first step I configured the application with Typescript, after that with the layout I defined the variables for colors and the global style.
- In the second step, I implement the design.
- In the third step I configured the MirageJs to used real data instead of static data, com Miraje js I implemented the routes with API Fake to simulate the backend, implementing the create, edit and delete for the team.
- in the four step, I studied the APISoccer to how to receive soccer players, with all players I implemented the search button to search soccer players by name.
- The final step, I implemented the average for age by teams, and some simple tests. The deadline is over and I haven't been able to complete all the steps
1. Implement Page Layout.
- 1.1Create placeholders for non implemented features.
2. Implement "My teams" section.
- 2.1 There is no need to implement Share action
- - 2.2 User must be able to sort by name and description.
3. Ability to Create/Edit and Remove a team.
- 3.1Team information section only.
- 3.1.1 All fields but description and tags are mandatory.
- 3.1.2 Default value is empty for all fields.
- 3.1.3 Team website must validate site URL.
- 3.1.4 You must highlight fields/labels whenever user tries to create/update a team with invalid information.
- Current UI is displaying Team name as an example of an invalid field.
- 3.1.6 For tags field user must be able to enter a free text and tag will be created as soon as the user hits enter or semicolon.
4.Ability to see what player was the most/less picked on.
- 4.1 Replace images by player initials.
- 1. Ability to search for a player name and see the list of players who matched the criteria.
- 2. Ability to add a player to a field position through drag n drop.
- 3. Save must store the team's players into application state.
- 1. Implement "Top 5" section to the dashboard.
- 2- Ability to configure and display a given formation from the list (Soccer field must display the positions accordingly). Options:
- 3- Whenever a formation is changed all current players must be removed.
- 4. Ability to see player information on hover (soccer field)
You must registered in and generate an API KEY. With your key you have to replace it in apiFootbal.ts on API_KEY.
# Clone the project
# Access folder
cd venturus
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Execute the aplication
$ yarn start
- Axios
- formik
- mirage Js
- React Js
- React-icons
- Styled Components
- Typescript
- Testing-library