MoinSebi / gretl

Statistics and analysis for variation graphs

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

gretl - Graph evaluation toolkit


gretl is a tool for basic graph statistics using GFA format input. Our statistics are based on nodes, edges and paths/walks. Walks can also be used, but will be represented as paths internally. Many commands do not work without paths/walk information.

Requirements on GFA file:

  • GFA format v1.0, v1.1 or v1.2.
  • GFA file has numerical node ID


  • Sorted node IDs are not required, but all "Jump" related statistics will be based on the order of the nodes in the GFA file. Check this paper for more information. Run odgi sort -O" to sort the graph in pan-genomic order.
  • We recommend dense node ID, starting at 1 and end at the number of nodes +1. Memory efficient on multiple levels.



git clone  
cd gretl   
cargo build --release  


We provide a small test suite to test the basic functionality of the tool. If you are interested in output format, check the data/test/yeast/ directory after running the following command.

cargo test



Calculate statistics on GFA file. A list of all stats can be found here. Please consider using the --pansn option to group the paths by sample. Read more information about PanSN-spec here.

Available options:

  • -bins Adjust number and size of bins. Histogram-like statistics which classify nodes by their length into bins.
  • -path Report statistics for each path in the graph.
  • -y Report output in YAML format (default is tsv).

Graph statistics also include "hybrid" statistics, which are average and standard deviation of all path statistics. All hybrid stats have the prefix "Path". A full list of all statistics be found in paper directory in this repository.


./gretl stats -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.txt


  • TSV or YAML file with statistics
  • Merge the output of multiple graphs to compare them.
  • Example comparison: plot
  • Example output


Convert any string-based node identifier to numeric values. Use odgi sort to sort the graph in pan-genomic order, which will create more meaningful statistics in gretl stats (see above). Nevertheless, numerical node IDs a required by any gretl command.

Available options:

  • -d, --dict <dict> Write a dictionary with new and old IDs to a plain text file.


./gretl id2int -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.gfa -d /path/to/dict.txt


  • GFA file with numerical node IDs

Comment: This function will convert all IDs in the graph. Additional data in tags will not be converted.


Individual node statistics. Statistics provided:

  • Length
  • Degree
  • Depth
  • Core

Length and degree are based on the graph itself, while depth and core are based on the paths.


./gretl node-list -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.txt


  • TSV file output
Nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Length 21176 15530 15530 24351 24367 100 1 1
Core 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Depth 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
ND_in 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1
ND_out 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
ND_total 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2

Comment The information of the reported table can be used as a individual lookup or to create own window-like statistics (over nodes).


Compute user-defined statistics of the graph (-s). Calculate the statistics for each node and summarize for each possible value the number of nodes and sequence. In an additional file ("*.private.txt") we report for each path the amount of nodes and sequence sole present by this sample.

Available options:

  • -s, --stats <statistics>. Define the statistics you want to summarize (see above) [default: similarity].
./gretl core -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.txt


Path similarity (PS)

Calculate for each path the amount of nodes and sequence at each similarity level.

./gretl ps -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.txt

Result ps plot

Example output: General path similarity

Similarity Sequence[bp] #Node
0 0 0
1 264241 7315
2 10804 2191
3 13800 2240
4 73893 6833
5 597805 7655

Private table:

Path Sequence[bp] #Node
ABQ_6.ChrX 47050 336
BIH_4.ChrX 26389 278
ABF_6.ChrX 33120 2181
BPN_2.ChrX 104353 1250
BCK_8.ChrX 53334 3275


Select nodes based on input settings. The output can be used as input for gfa2bin.

./gretl feature -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/nodes.txt -D 10 


  • List of nodes which fulfill the input settings (plain-text, one node per line)


Select paths based on input settings. The output can be used as input for gfa2bin.

./gretl feature -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/nodes.txt -s "N/D ration" -m 10


  • List of paths/samples which fulfill the input settings (plain-text, one node per line)


Sample-based bootstrapping to calculate number of nodes and sequence for each number of possible samples. Start with a "complete" graph and remove random path for each run. Then recalculate the general statistics. And summarize the amount of sequence/nodes for each level (e.g. similarity).
We recommend bootstrapping a graphs in PanSN-spec. Use --nodes if the bootstrap should only run on a subset of nodes.
You are able to adjust the number of bootstrap, only calculate one "level" or input a meta file as input. Examples are shown in the data/example_data/ directory.
Meta files can be used to use the same "combinations" for multiple graphs. This only works of the paths/samples of the graphs are in the same order.

Available options:

  • --nodes <nodes>Run bootstrap only on these nodes
  • --meta-input <meta input> Use a meta file as input.
  • --level <level>Run bootstrap only for a specific level
  • --number <number> Number of bootstrap for each number of genomes
  • --meta-line <meta line> Run a boots trap of a specific line in the meta file.
  • --meta <meta> Report the meta information in the output.


./gretl bootstrap -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.txt -n 20 


Size Run Node:1 Node:2 Node:3 Node:4 Node:5 Seq:1 Seq:2 Seq:3 Seq:4 Seq:5
2 0 7651 13495 94383 680604
2 1 12238 10890 112920 666501
2 2 10184 11766 105283 665966
3 0 7773 7263 9587 122129 23996 662555
3 1 7710 7317 9657 140411 25086 663453
3 2 5255 5680 11466 131387 23065 664906
4 2 6756 2420 6487 9325 165241 7105 22037 661811
4 3 7870 3085 7085 7858 220983 19845 74507 598158
4 4 4988 2305 4912 10754 214961 9350 78758 604140
5 0 7315 2191 2240 6833 7655 264241 10804 13800 73893 597805

(Sliding, path) window

Calculate statistics on a node level (graph- or path-based) and summarize them for each path in a sliding window approach. In detail: Iterate over the nodes of a path (window-like), summarize the stats of all nodes in the window and report a single value for each window.


./gretl window -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.txt -s 1000 --step 100


Table: Path in col1, similarity values on all the other values (each column is 1000 bp, going 100 bp steps)

ABQ_6.ChrX 5 5 5 5 5 5
BIH_4.ChrX 5 3.5 5 5 5 5
ABF_6.ChrX 5 5 5 5 5 5
BPN_2.ChrX 5 5 5 5 5 5
BCK_8.ChrX 5 5 5 5 5 4.5


Summarizing the graph by a window of nodes. We iterate numerically over the nodes and calculate the statistics for each window. We start at the current node and move away from it based on provided edges, collecting the new nodes. We repeat this process starting at the "new" nodes until one of the following conditions is met:

  • Jumps: A jumps is defined as difference between the current and the next node. Your input referees to the sum of all jumps in the window.
  • Steps: A step it the number of moves we make in the graph. Your input is the maximum steps from the starting node.
  • Sequence: Limit the window by a sequence threshold. We stop if the sequence length is larger than the provided threshold.

Example: How many nodes do I need to collect 1000 bp?

./gretl nwindow -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.txt --sequence 1000 --node-number

Output: You are able to return the number of collected nodes, the total number of jumps or the total sequence. Some combinations of input limitation and output do not gain any additional information.

nwindow plot

Table: NodesID, Number of nodes, amount of sequence and sum of jumps (collected in a window)

nodeid node sequence jumps
240 54 50623 1321
241 53 50589 1296
242 46 1862 696
243 46 1862 709
244 44 1832 637
245 38 1762 458
246 38 1762 463
247 37 1567 410
248 33 575 280
249 33 575 280
250 33 391 256


Find a specific node (e.g. 10), directed node (e.g. 10+), or edge (e.g. 10+20+) in the graph and get the exact (sequence) position in the paths. Output is a BED file with the positions. You are able to add additional sequence -l on both sites, which can help if you want to realign to a database and the node is very small.

./gretl find -g /path/to/graph.gfa -o /path/to/output.txt --length 1000 -f feature.txt 

Example of feature file is data/example_data/dirnodes.txt


We provide multiple jupyter notebooks to visualize the output of the tool.


  • Jupyter
  • Matplotlib
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Seaborn


Statistics and analysis for variation graphs

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 77.3%Language:Rust 22.7%