MohosinMiah / dynamic-table-creation-using-spring-boot

Dynamic or Conditionally table creation using spring boot

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Dynamic or Conditionally table creation using spring boot

Define project objectives and requirements for the payment gateway integration. Conduct research on available payment gateway options and their APIs. Analyze existing codebase and identify areas requiring modification for integration. Develop a high-level system architecture for the payment gateway integration. Create a detailed technical specification document for the codebase design. Define data models and database schema for storing payment-related information. Design the user interface for payment gateway integration. Implement API endpoints for handling payment requests. Implement API endpoints for handling payment responses and callbacks. Design and implement error handling mechanisms for payment transactions. Develop code modules for encrypting sensitive payment data. Integrate necessary security measures such as SSL/TLS for secure data transmission. Design and implement logging mechanisms for tracking payment-related activities. Implement unit tests for payment gateway integration code. Conduct code reviews and ensure adherence to coding standards. Create documentation for the codebase design, including API reference and usage guidelines. Perform integration testing with the payment gateway sandbox environment. Develop error handling and recovery mechanisms for failed payment transactions. Implement support for recurring payments and subscriptions, if required. Design and implement transaction reconciliation processes. Create a mechanism for handling currency conversions, if necessary. Implement webhooks or callback mechanisms for real-time payment notifications. Develop mechanisms for handling refunds and chargebacks. Implement support for multiple payment methods and gateways. Design and implement mechanisms for capturing and storing payment metadata. Develop code for generating payment reports and analytics. Implement fraud detection and prevention measures. Integrate with third-party services for additional verification or validation. Design and implement mechanisms for handling payment disputes and disputes resolution. Develop code for handling partial payments and installment options. Implement internationalization and localization features for payment-related messages. Design and implement mechanisms for handling payment retries and retries policies. Develop code for handling asynchronous payment processing, if required. Implement mechanisms for handling payment gateway downtime or maintenance windows. Design and implement mechanisms for handling failed or expired payment sessions. Develop code for handling tokenization and secure storage of payment credentials. Implement batch processing for bulk payment transactions, if necessary. Design and implement mechanisms for handling transactional emails or notifications. Develop code for generating and validating payment-related invoices. Implement mechanisms for handling customer authentication and authorization. Integrate with existing customer management systems or databases. Design and implement mechanisms for handling payment gateway configuration and settings. Develop code for handling concurrent payment transactions and avoiding race conditions. Implement load testing to assess the performance and scalability of the codebase. Design and implement mechanisms for handling network or connectivity issues during payment transactions. Develop code for handling session management and session timeouts. Implement mechanisms for handling different transaction statuses and their updates. Design and implement mechanisms for handling A/B testing of payment flows. Develop code for handling data synchronization and consistency across multiple systems. Conduct thorough testing, including functional, integration, and regression testing, of the codebase design.


Dynamic or Conditionally table creation using spring boot


Language:Java 100.0%