Dr. Mohammed Qasim's repositories
PDF Tools App A comprehensive web application to manage PDF files. This app provides a wide range of tools to split, merge, convert, comment, extract text, rotate, reorder, and add backgrounds to PDF files.
Emphasizes the benefits of the spaced repetition technique. Highlights the app's main features: adding, editing, deleting, searching, exporting, and importing subjects. Mentions the responsive design for both desktop and mobile devices. Specifies the technologies used: JavaScript, CSS, HTML.
This app enhances focus by allowing users to block specific websites or apps for a set duration or permanently. It also improves security and prevents cheating by implementing high-level challenges and password protection.
ChatGPTFileProcessor: An interactive tool that reads text, PDF, and Word documents, processes them with ChatGPT, and generates structured outputs for definitions, MCQs, flashcards, and vocabulary with Arabic translations. Built with C# and integrated with the OpenAI API, it provides customizable formatting and a simple UI for efficient content.
المحاسب | لصالح معمل سما دجلة
正确使用电脑,保护眼睛,强制休息。 Eye care for PC user
202020 Eye Protection Program: Every 20 minutes, step away from the laptop screen and focus on an object 20 feet (6 meters) away for 20 seconds. Remember, taking these short breaks throughout the day can help reduce eye strain and prevent long-term damage to your vision. Make sure to incorporate this simple habit into your daily routine
Upload files, set reminders, and receive notifications when it's time to open your files. Files and reminders are saved across sessions.
FlashBack: Your Personalized Study Reminder App FlashBack is a user-friendly application designed to help students and lifelong learners manage their study schedules effectively. Built with Python and Tkinter, this app allows users to set reminders for reviewing subjects at regular intervals, ensuring a consistent and effective study routine.
Pick a time and let your computer shutdown itself.
Help you maintain healthy sleep patterns. It enforces sleep schedules, ensures rest breaks, and helps you avoid overworking by managing sleep reminders and automatic shutdowns.
A web-based application to manage study subjects and review schedules using the spaced repetition technique. Supports English and Arabic languages.
Block bad distructive websites and adult +18 websites
A modern Weekly Schedule Note App with beautiful UI/UX, animations, and dark mode. Allows users to add and manage tasks, goals, and notes for each day of the week.
A tool to download whole playlists, channels or single videos from youtube and also optionally convert them to almost any format you would like