MohamedMetwalli5 / LeetCode-Solutions

βœ…πŸŸ¨ These LeetCode solutions use both code and animations to address a wide range of problems.

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These LeetCode solutions use both code and animations to address a wide range of problems.

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Problem-Solving πŸ’»

# Title Solution Animation Difficulty
2149 Rearrange Array Elements by Sign Solution 2149 Medium
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Solution 98 Medium
1347 Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram Solution 1347 Medium
204 Count Primes Solution 204 Medium
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Solution 19 Medium
2125 Number of Laser Beams in a Bank Solution 2125 Medium
1630 Arithmetic Subarrays Solution 1630 Medium
1109 Corporate Flight Bookings Solution 1109 Medium
1769 Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box Solution 1769 Medium
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Solution 34 Medium
187 Repeated DNA Sequences Solution 187 Medium
378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix Solution 378 Medium
560 Subarray Sum Equals K Solution 560 Medium
2120 Execution of All Suffix Instructions Staying in a Grid Solution 2120 Medium
2043 Simple Bank System Solution 2043 Medium
148 Sort List Solution 148 Medium
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs Solution 24 Medium
2221 Find Triangular Sum of an Array Solution 2221 Medium
1529 Minimum Suffix Flips Solution 1529 Medium
287 Find the Duplicate Number Solution 287 Medium
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Solution 215 Medium
229 Majority Element II Solution 229 Medium
1508 Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums Solution 1508 Medium
398 Random Pick Index Solution 398 Medium
1023 Camelcase Matching Solution 1023 Medium
1828 Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle Solution 1828 Medium
1433 Check If a String Can Break Another String Solution 1433 Medium
7 Reverse Integer Solution 7 Medium
1721 Swapping Nodes in a Linked List Solution 1721 Medium
1282 Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To Solution 1282 Medium
1222 Queens That Can Attack the King Solution 1222 Medium
1352 Product of the Last K Numbers Solution 1352 Medium
763 Partition Labels Solution 763 Medium
1669 Merge In Between Linked Lists Solution 1669 Medium
729 My Calendar I Solution 729 Medium
142 Linked List Cycle II Solution 142 Medium
1409 Queries on a Permutation With Key Solution 1409 Medium
701 Insert into a Binary Search Tree Solution 701 Medium
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Solution 380 Medium
49 Group Anagrams Solution 49 Medium
477 Total Hamming Distance Solution 477 Medium
665 Non-decreasing Array Solution 665 Medium
1823 Find the Winner of the Circular Game Solution 1823 Medium
2130 Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List Solution 2130 Medium
973 K Closest Points to Origin Solution 973 Medium
1860 Incremental Memory Leak Solution 1860 Medium
442 Find All Duplicates in an Array Solution 442 Medium
676 Implement Magic Dictionary Solution 676 Medium
2095 Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List Solution 2095 Medium
921 Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid Solution 921 Medium
384 Shuffle an Array Solution 384 Medium
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL Solution 535 Medium
1877 Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array Solution 1877 Medium
1551 Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal Solution 1551 Medium
985 Sum of Even Numbers After Queries Solution 985 Medium
901 Online Stock Span Solution 901 Medium
147 Insertion Sort List Solution 147 Medium
347 Top K Frequent Elements Solution 347 Medium
1381 Design a Stack With Increment Operation Solution 1381 Medium
56 Merge Intervals Solution 56 Medium
1817 Finding the Users Active Minutes Solution 1817 Medium
1561 Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get Solution 1561 Medium
677 Map Sum Pairs Solution 677 Medium
1305 All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees Solution 1305 Medium
207 Course Schedule Solution 207 Medium
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Solution 230 Medium
848 Shifting Letters Solution 848 Medium
2161 Partition Array According to Given Pivot Solution 2161 Medium
1038 Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree Solution 1038 Medium
382 Linked List Random Node Solution 382 Medium
1315 Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent Solution 1315 Medium
1929 Concatenation of Array Solution 1929 Easy
1920 Build Array from Permutation Solution 1920 Easy
1108 Defanging an IP Address Solution 1108 Easy
1512 Number of Good Pairs Solution 1512 Easy
2011 Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations Solution 2011 Easy
771 Jewels and Stones Solution 771 Easy
1470 Shuffle the Array Solution 1470 Easy
1603 Design Parking System Solution 1603 Easy
1637 Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points Solution 1637 Easy
1672 Richest Customer Wealth Solution 1672 Easy
1431 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies Solution 1431 Easy
1678 Goal Parser Interpretation Solution 1678 Easy
938 Range Sum of BST Solution 938 Easy
1480 Running Sum of 1d Array Solution 1480 Easy
1365 How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number Solution 1365 Easy
1281 Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer Solution 1281 Easy
2114 Maximum Number of Words Found in Sentences Solution 2114 Easy
1221 Split a String in Balanced Strings Solution 1221 Easy
1688 Count of Matches in Tournament Solution 1688 Easy
1379 Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree Solution 1379 Easy
1313 Decompress Run-Length Encoded List Solution 1313 Easy
1486 XOR Operation in an Array Solution 1486 Easy
1662 Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent Solution 1662 Easy
1342 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero Solution 1342 Easy
1773 Count Items Matching a Rule Solution 1773 Easy
1528 Shuffle String Solution 1528 Easy
1816 Truncate Sentence Solution 1816 Easy
2236 Root Equals Sum of Children Solution 2236 Easy
2194 Cells in a Range on an Excel Sheet Solution 2194 Easy
2108 Find First Palindromic String in the Array Solution 2108 Easy
2325 Decode the Message Solution 2325 Easy
2006 Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K Solution 2006 Easy
709 To Lower Case Solution 709 Easy
1832 Check if the Sentence Is Pangram Solution 1832 Easy
557 Reverse Words in a String III Solution 557 Easy
1859 Sorting the Sentence Solution 1859 Easy
1684 Count the Number of Consistent Strings Solution 1684 Easy
1732 Find the Highest Altitude Solution 1732 Easy
1572 Matrix Diagonal Sum Solution 1572 Easy
1913 Maximum Product Difference Between Two Pairs Solution 1913 Easy
1464 Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array Solution 1464 Easy
1323 Maximum 69 Number Solution 1323 Easy
2315 Count Asterisks Solution 2315 Easy
2037 Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone Solution 2037 Easy
832 Flipping an Image Solution 832 Easy
1614 Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses Solution 1614 Easy
1290 Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer Solution 1290 Easy
1534 Count Good Triplets Solution 1534 Easy
1844 Replace All Digits with Characters Solution 1844 Easy
169 Majority Element Solution 169 Easy


βœ…πŸŸ¨ These LeetCode solutions use both code and animations to address a wide range of problems.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%