Moh-Snoussi / arabic_as_programing_languague

This project aims to create a new programming language that is designed to be easily understood and used by non-English speakers, particularly Arabic speakers. The goal is to bridge the language barrier in software development and create a more diverse and inclusive community.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Arabic Programming Language


This project aims to create a new programming language that is designed to be easily understood and used by non-English speakers, particularly Arabic speakers. The goal is to bridge the language barrier in software development and create a more diverse and inclusive community.

Problem Statement

The world of software development is dominated by English-based languages, which can make it difficult for non-English speakers to enter the field or to express themselves in a way that is familiar and comfortable to them. This can lead to a lack of representation and diversity in the field, and can also make it harder for businesses and organizations in non-English speaking countries to develop software that meets their needs.


The proposed solution is to create a new programming language that is designed to be easy to understand and use for non-English speakers, particularly Arabic speakers. The language will be implemented using a right-to-left parsing method to support the grammar and syntax of Arabic, and it will be designed to be simple and intuitive for beginners.

The language will include features such as basic data types, control flow structures, functions, and classes. It will also include a user-friendly interface, such as an integrated development environment (IDE) and debugging tools, to make it easy for developers to write and test their code.

In addition, a website will be created to allow users to vote and suggest Arabic syntax for the language, in order to ensure that the community is actively involved in the development process and that the language is tailored to the needs of its users.


The new programming language will make programming more accessible to a wider audience, particularly Arabic speakers. It will provide a new tool for software development in Arabic-speaking communities, which can help to increase representation and diversity in the field. The community-driven aspect of the project, through the website, will ensure that the language is tailored to the needs of its users. It will allow businesses and organizations in non-English speaking countries to develop software that meets their needs. Conclusion This project is an exciting opportunity to create a new programming language that is designed to be easily understood and used by non-English speakers, particularly Arabic speakers. With a user-friendly interface, basic programming constructs and a community-driven aspect, it will make programming accessible to a wider audience, increase representation and diversity in the field, and create a more inclusive community.


This project aims to create a new programming language that is designed to be easily understood and used by non-English speakers, particularly Arabic speakers. The goal is to bridge the language barrier in software development and create a more diverse and inclusive community.