ModernizacionMuniCBA / gtfseditor

wsgi application to be both a standalone gtfs editor or deployed to google app engine/other wsgi compliant hosting.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A customizable editor for GTFS files which can be used both as a standalone app or deployed to a wsgi compliant hosting.



There might be a demo running at The admin interface is at and the credentials are

username: password: admin


Clone the project and cd into the new folder using

$ git clone
$ cd gtfseditor

which will get you the latest version.

If you never use a virtual environment before, install it:

$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
$ mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
$ source /usr/local/bin/

Create a new virtual environment (we named it gtfs but you can name it anything you like) and activate it using

$ mkvirtualenv gtfs

You should now see your command line prompt changed to something like


Install the projects dependencies using

pip install -r requirements.txt

Check for PostgrSQL instalation:

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo -i -u postgres

You can now run the server using

honcho start

and open your web browser at http://localhost:5000.


A series of database management scripts are accesible from the command line using the script.

To initialize the database, use

$ ./ db upgrade

In development mode this will create a file called data-dev.sqlite in the same directory with a DB looking like the one in production.


The main configuration file for the server is located at Environment variables can be overriden by writing them inside a .env file at the root level.


The project has two main parts,

  • a client application, located at app/
  • a API server + some building tools at server/

The client application uses

  • require.js to load javascript modules,
  • backbone.js to structure models and views,
  • openlayers.js to create and manage the map components,
  • bootstrap.js for styling, scaffolding and plugins,
  • handlebars.js as a templating engine.

The API server uses

  • for WSGI,
  • SQLAlchemy for database abstraction,
  • for gtfs building and validation.

among other auxiliary packages.


Development and local usage are best served by using SQLite as a db engine. It allows for rapid setup and portability.

Some hosted services do not support sqlite as a db engine (heroku), and postgres can be used.

Install postgresql and run

createdb -T template0 dbname

You are now ready to initialize an empty DB by using

FLASK_CONFIG=dev ./ db upgrade

Importing a DB dump

To create a database dump use

pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner dbname > mydb.dump

To import a DB dump run

pg_restore -d dbname dump.tar

where dbname is the name of your database.

Deployment to EC2

Set up an ubuntu instance in Amazon EC2. On it, run

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip libpq-dev python-dev nginx postgresql postgresql-contrib

Configuring nginx

Create a site file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/ by copying the example file over and editing it appropriately. Once you are done, enable the site using

$ sudo ln -s \
/etc/nginx/sites-available/ \

where is the name of the file you created.

Configuring Postgresql

Create a database user with the same name as your current username

$ sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER

and change it's password using

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# \password $USER

This user will not need a password to connect to the DB.

Helping us with documentation

Install Sphinx and ReadTheDocs theme.

pip install Sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

Write docs at app/static/docs/ and compile rst files whith make html


wsgi application to be both a standalone gtfs editor or deployed to google app engine/other wsgi compliant hosting.



Language:JavaScript 41.5%Language:Python 32.2%Language:HTML 23.4%Language:CSS 2.8%Language:Mako 0.1%