ModernRonin / VictorDiscendi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


I am learning a new foreign language and all the existing tools for vocabulary building/training on a mobile phone do not fulfill what I want. In particular, none of them uses reasonable heuristics for picking which word-pairs need to be trained most.

At the same time, I want to start using F# for something more than just toy projects.

Thus, LanguageTraining was born.

Then I decided to continue this on GitHub. With that came the name question. You don't wanna call a repo LanguageTraining.

How to call it?

Then I remembered my former Latin teacher (who became a good friend after school). His first name was Victor which incidentally happens to be the Latin word for "winner". He really inspired me to love that language, so it would be nice to use a play on his name to for this repository. Victor on its own wouldn't work. But remembering that he was my Latin teacher and that I really loved Latin and it's incredible expressiveness, it was not a big leap to arrive at


which mean "Winner of Learning". I admit it's not the most creative of names, but it sounds nice and it has Victor's name in it and that's all I really want :-)


Use of the source code in this repository is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.




Language:F# 100.0%