ModelTC / llmc

This is the official PyTorch implementation of "LLM-QBench: A Benchmark Towards the Best Practice for Post-training Quantization of Large Language Models"

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llmc: Towards Accurate and Efficient LLM Compression


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[ English | δΈ­ζ–‡ ]

llmc is an off-the-shell tool designed for compressing LLM, leveraging state-of-the-art compression algorithms to enhance efficiency and reduce model size without compromising performance.

This tool is implemented in Pytorch by the following main contributors:

Yushi Huang, Yang Yong, Shiqiao Gu, Ruihao Gong,


  • May 17, 2024: πŸš€ We support some advanced large models, e.g., LLaVA, Mixtral, LLaMA V3 and Qwen V2 now. Have a try!

  • May 13, 2024: 🍺🍺🍺 We release our quantization benchmark paper:

    LLM-QBench: A Benchmark Towards the Best Practice for Post-training Quantization of Large Language Models.

    Ruihao Gong*, Yang Yong*, Shiqiao Gu*, Yushi Huang*, Yunchen Zhang, Xianglong LiuπŸ“§, Dacheng Tao

    (* denotes equal contribution, πŸ“§ denotes corresponding author.)


    We modularly and fairly benchmark the quantization techniques considering calibration cost, inference efficiency, and quantized accuracy. Near 600 experiments on diverse models and datasets provide three insightful takeaways on the calibration data, algorithm pipeline, and quantization configuration selection. Based on the takeaways, a best practice of LLM PTQ pipeline is designed, achieving the best accuracy and efficiency performance balance under various scenarios.

  • Mar 7, 2024: πŸš€ We release the quantization part of a powerful and efficient LLM compression tool. Notably, our benchmark paper is coming soon😊.

Highlight Feature

  • Quantize LLMs, e.g., Llama2-70B, OPT-175B, and evaluate their PPL on only one A100/H100/H800 GPUπŸ’₯.
  • SOTA compression algorithms align with the origin repos, for users to choose from, and users can sequentially employ multiple algorithms on one LLMπŸ’₯.
  • Transformed model (save_fp mode in quant part in Configuration) exported by our tool with a specifical compression algorithm can go through naive quantization by multiple backends, e.g., Lightllm, TensorRT-LLM to get a specifical-compression-algorithm-optimized model, which the corresponding backend can infer πŸ’₯.
  • Our compressed model (save_lightllm mode in quant part in Configuration) with a shallow memory footprint can be directly inferred by LightllmπŸ’₯.


  1. Clone this repository and install packages:

    # install packages
    cd llmc
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Prepare models and data.

    # After downloading LLMs from huggingface, prepare calibration and evaluation data as follows:
    cd tools
    python --save_path [calib data path]
    python --save_path [eval data path] 
  3. Choose an algorithm to quantize your model:

    # Here's an example about Awq:
    cd scripts
    # Modify the path of llmc, ``llmc_path``, in the bash file. You can also choose one config 
    # placed in ``llmc/configs/quantization/Awq/`` to quantize your model, or your own
    # config referring to those we provide by changing the ``--config`` argument in


To help users design their configs, we now explain some universal configurations in all configs we provide under llmc/configs/:

  • model:

        # Replace by the name of the class in ``llmc/models/*.py``.
        type: Llama
        # Replace by the path of your model.
        path: model path 
        torch_dtype: auto
  • calib:

    # Note: some algorithms do not need ``calib``, like naive... So, you can remove this part.
        # Replace by the calibration data name, e.g., pileval, c4, wikitext2, or ptb, downloaded before.
        name: pileval
        download: False
        # Replace by the path of one of the calibration data, e.g., pileval, c4, wikitext2, or ptb, 
        # downloaded before.
        path: calib data path
        n_samples: 128
        bs: -1
        seq_len: 512
        # Replace by the function name in ``llmc/data/dataset/``.
        preproc: general  
        seed: *seed
  • eval:

    # If you want to evaluate PPL of your pretrained/transformed/fake_quant model.
        # You can evaluate the pretrain, transformed, fake_quant model, and set the position 
        # you want to evaluate.
        eval_pos: [pretrain, transformed, fake_quant]
        # Replace by the name of the eval data, e.g., c4, wikitext2, ptb or [c4, wikitext2],
        # downloaded before.
        name: wikitext2
        download: False
        path: eval data path
        # For 70B model eval, bs can be set to 20, and inference_per_block can be set to True.
        # For 7B / 13B model eval, bs can be set to 1, and inference_per_block can be set to False.
        bs: 1
        inference_per_block: False
        seq_len: 2048
  • save:

        # ``save_fp`` is True, which means you want to export the transformed model, e.g., parameter-modified
        # model, whose performance and structure are the same as the original model, and users can 
        # utilize naive quantization to the transformed model to obtain the same performance as 
        # the specifical-algorithm-quantized model.
        save_fp: False
        # ``save_lightllm`` is True, which means you want to export a real quant model, e.g.,
        # low-bit weights with weight and activation quantization parameters.
        save_lightllm: False
        # ``save_fake`` is True means you want to export fake_quant model, e.g.,
        # dequantized weight with activation quantization parameters.
        save_fake: False
        save_path: ./save
  • quant:

        # Replace by the class name in ``llmc/compression/quantization/*.py``
        method: OmniQuant
        # weight-only quantization does not have ``act`` part.
            bit: 8
            symmetric: True
            # Quantization granularity: per_channel, per_tensor, per_head (not recommanded).
            granularity: per_channel
            group_size: -1
            # Calibration algorithms: learnble, mse, and minmax (default).
            calib_algo: learnable
            # Utilize Stright-Through Estimation, which is necessary for learnable
            # calibration algorithms.
            ste: True
            bit: 8
            symmetric: True
            # Quantization granularity: per_token, per_tensor
            granularity: per_token
            ste: True
            # Static quantization (quantization during calibration)or dynamic 
            # quantization (quantization during inference).
            static: True
        # This part is designed for specific algorithms, users can refer to
        # those we provide to design their own.
            let: True 
            lwc_lr: 0.01
            let_lr: 0.005
            use_shift: False
            alpha: 0.5
            deactive_amp: True
            epochs: 20
            wd: 0
        # If quant_out is True, employ the outputs of the former quantized block as the 
        # calibration data of the proceeding block.
        quant_out: True

Supported Model List


βœ… LLaMA

βœ… LLaMA V2

βœ… StarCoder

βœ… OPT

βœ… Falcon

βœ… InternLM2

βœ… Mistral

βœ… LLaMA V3

βœ… Mixtral

βœ… Qwen V2

βœ… LLaVA

You can add your own model type referring to files under llmc/models/*.py.

Supported Algorithm List


βœ… Naive

βœ… AWQ

βœ… GPTQ

βœ… SmoothQuant

βœ… OS+

βœ… OmniQuant

βœ… NormTweaking

βœ… AdaDim

βœ… QUIK

βœ… SpQR

βœ… DGQ

βœ… OWQ

βœ… LLM.int8()

βœ… HQQ

We provide an overview table of the quantization algorithms in this tool as follows (We split algorithms in their original paper into a finer granularity as Algorithm in the table):



This part is coming soonπŸš€.



  • QuIP

  • QuIP#

  • AQLM

Note: Some specific algorithms like QUIK, SpQR, needing special hardware or kernel support can not go through naive quantization by multiple backends, and then utilize these backends to infer. However, users can still use our tool to evaluate the performance of these algorithms in their research.


  • SparseGPT

  • Wanda

  • LLM-Pruner

This part is coming soonπŸš€.


  • End-to-end examples of compressing a model and then utilizing multiple backends, e.g., Lightllm, TensorRT-LLM, to infer.

  • Docs about special in quant part in Configuration for different algorithms.

  • Docs about adding new algorithms by users themselves.

More detailed Docs are coming soonπŸš€.


We develop our code referring to the following repos:

Star History

Star History Chart


If you find our LLM-QBench paper/llmc toolkit useful or relevant to your research, please kindly cite our paper:

      title={LLM-QBench: A Benchmark Towards the Best Practice for Post-training Quantization of Large Language Models}, 
      author={Ruihao Gong and Yang Yong and Shiqiao Gu and Yushi Huang and Yunchen Zhang and Xianglong Liu and Dacheng Tao},

   author = {Yushi Huang and Yang Yong and Shiqiao Gu and Ruihao Gong},
   title = {llmc: Towards Accurate and Efficient LLM Compression},
   year = {2024},
   publisher = {GitHub},
   journal = {GitHub repository},
   howpublished = {\url{}},


This is the official PyTorch implementation of "LLM-QBench: A Benchmark Towards the Best Practice for Post-training Quantization of Large Language Models"

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 97.7%Language:Shell 2.3%