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Cat auditory nerve model (Zilany and Bruce 2006, 2007)

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<html><head><title>Zilany and Bruce (JASA 2006) Auditory Nerve Model code</title>

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<h1>Source code for the Zilany and Bruce (JASA 2006, 2007) Cat Auditory Nerve Model</h1>

<p>This is <span class="style1">Version 2</span> of the public distribution of the
code for the auditory periphery model of:</p>

	<a href="" target="_blank">Zilany, M. S.
    A. and Bruce, I. C. (<b>2006</b>). "Modeling auditory-nerve responses for high
    sound pressure levels in the normal and impaired auditory periphery," <i>Journal
    of the Acoustical Society of America</i> <b>120</b>(3):1446&#8211;1466.</a></blockquote>

<p class="style1">and</p>

	<a href="" target="_blank">Zilany, M. S.
    A. and Bruce, I. C. (<b>2007</b>). "Representation of the vowel /<font face="Symbol">e</font>/ in normal and impaired
	auditory nerve fibers: Model predictions of responses in cats," <i>Journal
    of the Acoustical Society of America</i> <b>122</b>(1):402&#8211;417.</a></blockquote>

<p><b>Please cite these papers if you publish any research results
  obtained with this code or any modified versions of this code.</b></p>

<p class="style1"><u>The highlights of the improvements in version 2 are:-</u></p>
  <li><span class="style1">  Model now runs at sampling rates of 100, 200 and 500 kHz:</span><br>
    The major improvement in this version of the code is that it is able<br>
    run at 100 kHz for model fibers with characteristic frequencies (CFs)<br>
    up to 20 kHz.  To model fibers up to CFs of 40 kHz, a minimum<br>
    sampling rate of 200 kHz should be used.  The flexibility in sampling<br>
    rate is made possible by some changes to the middle-ear filter and<br>
    spike generator code, as described in <a href="">readme.txt</a>.</li>
  <li><span class="style1">  Improved speed and reduced memory consumption:</span><br>
    Running the model at a lower sampling rate produces a major speed<br>
    increase and reduction in memory usage.  In addition, the new spike<br>
    generator code is substantially faster than the old method.  We have<br>
    also found some savings that can be made in memory allocation.<br>
<p>The code is archived in the following formats:</p>

  <li> A PKZIP-compatible .zip file: <a href=""></a></li>
  <li> A .tar.gz file: <a href="">zbcatmodel2007v2.tar.gz</a> </li>

<p>The files in both of these archives are identical and are suitable for compiling
as a MEX file in Matlab running on either Windows or Unix. See <a href="">readme.txt</a>  for
instructions regarding platform-dependent compiling issues. (This readme
file is also included in the .zip and .tar.gz archives.)</p>
<p><a href="">
<img src="readme_files/Home" alt="Return to Home" border="0" height="36" width="36"></a><a href="">Back to Ian's Home Page</a> </p>
<p><i>Created by Ian Bruce &lt;</i>;<i> - last modified
Thursday, December 20, 2007</i></p>
