Mkojok / keyword-extraction

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


                                   Document Keyword Extraction
Libraries Used
  1. CountVectorizer – for calculation frequency of each word in the texts.
  2. Pandas – for handling data structures.
  3. Stopwords – English language stop words
  4. TfidfTransformer – transforming frequency distribution of words to tf-idf(Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency)
  5. Re – for working with regex
  6. Counter – for maintaining counts for each word (while using search for keywords)
  7. Json – for working with json formatted data Functions
  8. sort_on_count – Based on the tf-idf value, sort the tf-idf vector
  9. extract_topn – extract the top n features (keywords) using the tf-idf vector previously sorted.
  10. Tokenize – tokenize a given sentence (text)
  11. Probability – probability of each word present in the entire document corpus (‘train.txt’)
  12. Known – returns the set of known words for a given keyword (fuzzified)
  13. edit_dist_1 – returns the set of words which have a edit distance of 1 with any provided word.
  14. edit_dist_2 – returns the set of words which have a edit distance of 2 with any provided word.
  15. Find – finds a given keyword present in the short text. Overview The code does the following :-
  16. Keyword extraction – Tf-idf has been used for keyword extraction. The text is loaded into two variables ; train_docs and test_docs . The frequency count of each word is computed on the training document. Based on the count vector trained, values are transformed as TF-IDF. Based on the TF-IDF vector and count vector previously trained, keywords are found from the test documents using sort_on_count and extract_topn.
  17. Search Keywords – Based on the keywords extracted in the previous part, each keyword is searched for in the short text based on edit distance algorithm.

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