MizurenNanako / mlisp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

m-lisp translater


run dune b to build, this project requires menhirLib and ppx_sexp_conv and sexplib.

the product will be a single executable in _build/default/install/bin, it should named spml.

run it with -help to see help message.

note that this program transpile a m-lisp based language to COMMON LISP as its IR, if you want to execute a file, use sbcl.

dune exec spml <filename.sp> | sbcl --script

See examples in testcases.



File Include



to include a file with name.


As in ml let xxx = yyy in zzz, let bindings in this syntax should be xxx := yyy => zzz, with type annotation in ml let xxx: ttt = yyy in zzz, in this syntax it should be xxx: ttt = yyy => zzz


As in toplevel ml let val xxx: ttt in zzz, type annotations in this syntax should be xxx: ttt => zzz, also in top level. This also declared the name, for recursive definitions like functions, this is necessary.


As in Commom Lisp (cond (p1 e1) (p2 e2) ... ('t en)), in this syntax it should be p1 -> e1 | p2 -> e2 | ... | _ -> en, where wildcard must be the last predicate.


As in Common Lisp (lambda (p1 p2 ... pn) e), in this syntax it should be (p1:t1, p2:t2, ..., pn:tn) -> e, where t1, t2, ..., tn are type annotation.


Given function named f, called with arguments a, b, c, should be f[a,b,c].


In top-level, there can be multiple programs(expressions) sharing the same env, so xxx := yyy => zzz and xxx : ttt => zzz can just be xxx := yyy and xxx: ttt, making zzz the next expression. However, abbr. xxx : ttt = yyy is not allowed.


Few basic types are provided, like int and float. Functions like add[a, b] where a, b are int should typed [int, int] -> int. Note there is a unit type like in ML.


You can put any type expressions together forming a list:

{1, 2, {3, 4}, "yes"}

This is legal, is a backdoor to common lisp.


This Language does not have a stdlib, so it needs to 'borrow' functions from other languages as primitives.

Example: Addi: "add_i_i" [int, int] -> int to import function add_i_i as Addi. This can also be used to import symbols.

Exported Name

To export a local symbol to abi, useless currently cuz I haven't done binary generation.

Example: "fbnc_i":= fbncensures to export name fbnc to elf symbol 'fbnc_i'.



Language:OCaml 97.5%Language:SourcePawn 2.5%