MishaHerscu / study-template

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Study Template

Use this template to structure your READMEs for studies. Remove text from this section, or use it to frame the study. Good framing answers the question "Why am I learning this?".

Be sure to include a recent LICENSE and Markdown linter configuration (.remarkrc). Also, include an appropriate .gitignore; these are usually found in specific technology templates, for example js-template.


  • Topics with which developers should be familiar with.
  • Prerequisites are "just-in-time", so if I have a prerequisite that mentions Sass, I would not need to include CSS as a prerequisite.
  • Links to previous materials are often useful. Previous materials might include talks or other studies.


By the end of this, developers should be able to:

  • Write objectives that focus on demonstrating knowledge.
  • Write learning objectives that begin with an imperative verb.
  • Avoid objectives that start with "Use" or "Understand".
  • Rewrite objectives that begin with "Use" by inverting sentence structure.
  • End each objective with a period.


  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. Change into the new directory.
  3. Create and checkout a new branch, named response.
  4. Follow the directions given in study.md.
  5. When finished, push to your fork and submit a pull request.

You may wish to refer to FAQs related to forking, cloning, and pull requests.

Source code distributed under the MIT license. Text and other assets copyright General Assembly, Inc., all rights reserved.

