Miou-zora / Miou-zora

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi, I'm Miouzora and I'm a french CS student from Epitech. I love game dev and weird technos.

💬 Now:

💭 Later:

  • Fluid simulation
  • Terrain generation (Maybe in Eidolon)
  • Test Unity ECS
  • Dotfile NixOS 🌸
  • Test NeoVim

💤 Previously:

  • Raytracer in Zig (Zaytracer)
  • Creating a spline visualizer in Zig & Nix & Raylib (Zix)
  • Implementation of a worm like entity in Rust & Bevy (WoRm)
  • Setup of a minecraft server for OCI (Oracle-AnsibleMine)
  • R-type-like game in C++ with custom ECS from scratch (R-type)
  • CI project creator that create a mirror for github epitech project (Replic)
  • Implementation of a Raytracer using approximation of light's rays of a surface (Monte Carlo method) (Raytracer)
  • AR Project, where user is immersed in the death star scene of first Star Wars film using HTC Tracker (currently unavailable)


You can contact me on discord (miouzora) for anything.

Some fancy stuff of what I've done so far

🎮 Game Dev

Unity Personal ECS Bevy Löve2D Godot Engine SFML/CSFML Raylib

♾️ DevOps

Docker Ansible Kubernetes github actions Git BitBucket Github GitLab GCP Oracle Jenkins TeamCity Sonar Terraform

🌐 Languages

C++ Java Python C Zig C# Haskell TS Lua PHP Shell Script JavaScript

🧩 Frameworks

React Next JS VueJs Nuxtjs React Native Prisma Hibernate Material BS TailWind Node Spring

♦️ Others

Fedora Jira Notion vsc pycharm intelliJ emacs Figma PostGreSQL MariaDB Nix

🍓 Jams

EpitechJamSuccess EpitechJamBlue GlobalGameJamRoot EpitechJam10022023 GameJam

❤️ Favourite Projects

R-Type Replic RayTracer DevFestProject SuperHeroesJam

📊 Some stats

