Who's iBot? iBot is the best Discord Bot! Made with NodeJS
This bot is made for developer discord servers. More than 20 commands ! Here is a few of them:
Commands | Utilities |
iHelp | Send an embed with all the commands that you can use |
iDoc | Send the documentation of the language that you have send |
iDocInfo | Send an embed that lists all the language that you can use |
iBan @member | Ban the users that you have mention. Note - You have to have the role: iAdmin to use this command |
iWarn @member | Wan a the users that you have mentioned. Note - You have to have the role: iAdmin to use this command |
iRoll | Generate randow number beetween num1 and num2 |
iBot all include features like:
Custom message when a user use commands on the logs channel
- Custom direct message and message in logs channel when a user joined the server.
- Commands that can send server informations like: users count, server name, users online count, etc..
How do I add iBot on my server ?
You can simply add this bot by following this url: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=406229725346791446&scope=bot&permissions=2146958591