MininduSenadheera / PAF-Y3S1-Labs

Labsheets in the Programming Applications and Frameworks module in Y3S1 SLIIT

Repository from Github https://github.comMininduSenadheera/PAF-Y3S1-LabsRepository from Github https://github.comMininduSenadheera/PAF-Y3S1-Labs

IT3030 Programming Applications and Frameworks

PAF is a module in the third year first semester for student reading IT and DS specialization degrees All the labsheets done in the module can be found


Name:- H.A.Minindu Senadheera


Labsheets in the Programming Applications and Frameworks module in Y3S1 SLIIT


Language:Java 54.0%Language:HTML 22.6%Language:JavaScript 17.4%Language:TypeScript 5.8%Language:CSS 0.2%