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ACF: Annotation Command Framework - BETA

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Annotation Command Framework (ACF)


This is the Framework created for Empire Minecraft.

Many people have wanted to use this framework for themselves, So here are, a public ready version!

Beta Testing

ACF On the core itself is very stable. It has been used for years on EMC.

I believe the framework is very usable at this stage.

It is labeled Beta as the framework is growing fast and gaining new features, and API's are subject to breakage. The new features also may contain bugs, but I am working to fix them fast.

Please be prepared to keep up with changes, but I try to keep them as least disruptful as possible.

See Using ACF on how to add ACF to your plugin and using it.

We are on version:

  • GROUP: co.aikar
  • ARTIFACTID: acf-core

Any bump in version implies an API break. Every change that should not cause any API break will be deployed over the current version.

Targeted Platforms

Requires CraftBukkit, Spigot or Paper.

We have no intentions to support other Servers. If you want on Sponge or something else, you will need to fork and add support for it.


public class ResidenceCommand extends BaseCommand {
    @CommandCompletion("@allplayers:30 @flags @flagstates")
    public void onResFlagPSet(Player player, @Flags("admin") Residence res, EmpireUser[] users, String flag, @Values("@flagstates") String state) {
        res.getPermissions().setPlayerFlag(player, Stream.of(users).map(EmpireUser::getName).collect(Collectors.joining(",")), flag, state, resadmin, true);

    @Subcommand("area replace")
    public void onResAreaReplace(Player player, CuboidSelection selection, @Flags("verbose") Residence res, @Default("main") @Single String area) {
            new CuboidArea(selection),
public class GroupCommand extends BaseCommand {
    public GroupCommand() {
    @Syntax("[radius=32] &e- Invite Nearby Players to the group.")
    public void onInviteNear(Player player, @Default("32") Integer radius) {
        int maxRadius = UserUtil.isModerator(player) ? 256 : 64;
        radius = !UserUtil.isSrStaff(player) ? Math.min(maxRadius, radius) : radius;
        List<String> names = player.getNearbyEntities(radius, Math.min(128, radius), radius)
            .stream().filter((e) -> e instanceof Player && !UserUtil.isVanished((Player) e))
        Groups.invitePlayers(player, names);

    @Syntax("<name> [name2] [name3] &e- Invite Players to the group.")
    public void onInvite(Player player, String[] names) {
        Groups.invitePlayers(player, names);

    @Syntax("<player> &e- Kick Player from the group.")
    public void onKick(Player player, @Flags("leader") Group group, OnlinePlayer toKick) {
        group.kickPlayer(player, toKick.getPlayer());


Why does it require Java 8+?

Get off your dinosaur and get on this rocket ship!

Dinosaurs have been dead for a long time, so get off it before you start to smell.

Download Java 8


See Issues section.

Join #aikar on Spigot IRC - to discuss.

Or Code With Aikar Discord.

Other projects by Aikar / Empire Minecraft

  • TaskChain - Powerful context control to dispatch tasks Async, then access the result sync for API usage. Concurrency controls too.
  • Minecraft Timings - Add Timings to your plugin in a safe way that works on all Bukkit platforms (CraftBukkit - no timings, Spigot - Timings v1, Paper and Paper forks - Timings v2)


As with all my other public projects

Commands (c) Daniel Ennis (Aikar) 2016-2017.

Commands is licensed MIT. See LICENSE


ACF: Annotation Command Framework - BETA

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%