Mindinventory / MIFieldValidator

Field Validator is one of the smart class for validating fields in a single line of code. It's a very smart code saver class to validate name, password, DOB, Change password, email, phone number and many more.....

Home Page:https://www.mindinventory.com/iphone-application-development.php

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Field Validator is the simplest way to use custom field validator.This is one of the smart class for validating fields in a single line of code. It's a very smart code saver class to validate name, password, DOB, Change password, email, phone number and many more.....


Methods : 11

  1. static func isUserCanAbleToLogin(_ userName: String, _ password: String, _ isEmailLogin: Bool = true) -> Bool
  2. static func isValidData(_ validationModel: [ValidationModel]) -> Bool
  3. static func isMessageInRange(_ text: String?, _ charMaxLimit: Int, _ message: String) -> Bool
  4. static func changePassword(currentPassword: String, _ oldPassword: String, _ newPassword: String, _ confirmPassword: String) -> Bool
  5. static func checkPasswordsSame(_ password1: String, _ password2: String, _ isOldAndCurrent: Bool) -> Bool
  6. static func isMatchedPasswords(_ password: String?, _ cPassword: String?) -> Bool
  7. static func isValidPassword(_ text: String?, _ message: String?) -> Bool
  8. static func isValidMobileNumber(_ text: String?) -> Bool
  9. static func isValidEmail(_ text: String?) -> Bool
  10. static func isNotBlank(_ text: String?, _ message: String) -> Bool
  11. static func isDOB(_ minimumAge: Int = minAge, text: String?, date: Date?) -> Bool

Key features & Use

      • Check Required Field(Not Empty) (Like FirstName, LastName, UserName etc…)

EX:- Full Name Textfield -> txtFName:

	MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation: .notEmpty, value: txtFName.text, message: “Blank Full Name”)])
      • Validate Message Maximum Character Range

EX:- Full Name Textfield -> txtFName:

	MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation: .msgRange, value: txtFName.text, message: “Blank Full Name”)])
      • Valid Email Address

EX:- Email Textfield -> txtFEmail:

  MIValidation.isValidEmail(txtFEmail.text) — Return True or False
      • Valid Phone Number

EX:- PhoneNumber Textfield -> txtFPhoneNumber:

  MIValidation.isValidMobileNumber(txtFPhoneNumber.text) — Return True or False
      • Validate Date of Birth (Minimum Age Validation)

EX:- DOB Textfield -> txtFDOB:

	MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation: .dateOfBirth, value: txtFDOB.text, message: “Blank Date Of Birth”)])
      • Validate Password

EX:- Password Textfield -> txtFPassword:

	MIValidation.isValidData([ValidationModel(validation: .password, value: txtFDOB.text, message: “Blank Password”)])
      • Check Equality and Comparison

EX:- New Password Textfield -> txtFNewPass and Confirm Password -> txtFCPass :

	MIValidation.checkPasswordsSame(txtFNewPass.text,  txtFCPass.text) — Return True Or False 
      • Validate Credential of Login Screen

EX:- Email Textfield -> txtFEmail and Password Textfield -> txtFPassword :

	— For Login Validation Only Call This

  MIValidation.isUserCanAbleToLogin(txtFEmail.text, txtFPassword.text) — Return True or False
      • Validate Change Password

EX:- TextField Value - CurrentPassword = mind@123 - OldPassword = txtFOldPass - NewPassword = txtFNewPass - ConfirmPassword = txtFConfirmPassword

  — For Change Password Validation Only Call This

  MIValidation.changePassword(currentPassword: “mind@123”, txtFOldPass.text, txtFNewPass.text, txtFConfirmPass.text)  		
  — Return True or False
      • Validate SignUp with Normal Fields

EX:- validation Array Look

	arrValidationModel = [ValidationModel(validation: .msgRange, value: txtFName.text, message: “Blank Full Name”),
					ValidationModel(validation: .email, value: txtFEmailAddress.text, message: “Blank Email Address”),
					ValidationModel(validation: .mobileNumber, value: txtFMobileNumber.text, message: “Blank Phone Number”), 
					ValidationModel(validation: .dateOfBirth, value: txtFDOB.text, message: “Blank Date Of Birth”, 
					ValidationModel(validation: .password, value: txtFPassword.text, message: “Blank Password”)]

	— For Sign Up Validation Call Only This

	MIValidation.isValidData(arrValidationModel) — Return True or false



  • Step 1. Add the MIValidations.swift in your project

  • Step 2. Start using with your parameter


  • Xcode 10.2 or later


MIFieldValidator is MIT-licensed.

Let us know!

We’d be really happy if you send us links to your projects where you use our component. Just send an email to sales@mindinventory.com And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestion regarding our work.


Field Validator is one of the smart class for validating fields in a single line of code. It's a very smart code saver class to validate name, password, DOB, Change password, email, phone number and many more.....


License:MIT License


Language:Swift 99.6%Language:Ruby 0.4%