MikeRogers0 / dotfiles

Dotfiles I use on my MacOS machine

Repository from Github https://github.comMikeRogers0/dotfilesRepository from Github https://github.comMikeRogers0/dotfiles

Mike Rogers - Dotfiles

My main setup, mostly copied from phil, mijndert and DanHarper.

In 2020 I aimed to install as few "things" as possible on a new machine & keep everything as default as possible.

How to setup

Copy parts of files as required. I did setup ./install.sh, though I'm not sure if that'll work every time.


I usually use MacVim for writing & coding. To install plugins I used vim-plug.

VIM Theme Preview


I use zsh as my default terminal with https://ohmyz.sh/ installed running the powerlevel10k theme.


http://magnet.crowdcafe.com/ - Allows for moving windows around the screen with key commands.

https://beardedspice.github.io/ - Stops iTunes opening when I press play/pause.

https://imageoptim.com/mac - Compress images easily.

https://www.tunabellysoftware.com/balance_lock/ - Fix that annoying Bluetooth bug which makes audio play drift to one ear.

https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop - Docker


Everything I've normally got installed is in the Brewfile, run brew bundle to install. To create a new dump run brew bundle dump --force --describe


Dotfiles I use on my MacOS machine


Language:Shell 91.4%Language:Vim Script 6.4%Language:Ruby 2.2%