Michael Johnson's following
- pyOpenScipyOpenSci
- John C. Hood IIJohnChood2
- Las Cumbres ObservatoryLCOGT
- Helio4Casthelioforecast
- pyobspyobs
- The MACRO Consortiummacro-consortium
- だいすけkinoshitadaisuke
- Subaru PFS ProjectSubaru-PFS
- Knox S. Longkslong
- Gemini High-Level Software Groupgemini-hlsw
- pysatpysat
- LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC)LSSTDESC
- SOAR Telescopesoar-telescope
- The LSST Science CollaborationsLSSTScienceCollaborations
- LSSTC Data Science Fellowship ProgramLSSTC-DSFP
- TOM ToolkitTOMToolkit
- Observatory Control Systemobservatorycontrolsystem
- Lowell ObservatoryLowellObservatory
- Dale Ghentdaleghent
- spase-group
- OpenSpaceOpenSpace
- AstrOmaticastromatic
- Anthony HortonAnthonyHorton
- Huntsman TelescopeAstroHuntsman
- ASCOM InitiativeASCOMInitiative
- SunPysunpy
- OpenTKopentk
- astropghastropgh
- BrightSignbrightsign
- Anaconda, Inc. (formerly Continuum Analytics, Inc.)ContinuumIO
- Voilà Dashboardsvoila-dashboards
- Plotlyplotly
- Home Assistanthome-assistant
- AstroCondaastroconda
- Microsoft 365 DeveloperOfficeDev
- UW Interactive Data Labuwdata