MikeAinOz / pagestar

Power BI Custom Visual PageStar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pagestar is a Custom Power BI Visual from ParadigmBI It is for rating Power BI pages the stars are from https://github.com/LunarLogic/starability This is a demonstration module for https://paradigmbi.com.au/ This is all open source, please feel free to play with the code and acknowledge the sources, which are varied.

This visual sends a page rating to a URL, we've been using Microsoft Flow to test this The JSON looks like this: { pageName: pageName, userName : userName , value : val } This should be self-explanatory, but feel free to ask questions. There's a flow package called TestPageStarFlow.zip in the repository root to get you started.

There is a single field for the user name, create a text measure for this like this : UserName = USERNAME() and put the measure in the username field.

On the Format pane, enter the URL of the Flow or whatever web service you want to use,and put a page name in the page name field.


Power BI Custom Visual PageStar


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