Miguel-Cabral / Git-CLI-Coursework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git CLI Quiz

Remember, you must submit this quiz using ONLY Git on the Command Line.

You CANNOT open Github Desktop.

  1. What is a benefit of using the Git CLI rather than a GUI?

//my answer is It is the same on most computers and operating systems, and it allows me to use the full functionality of git.

  1. What is the Git command to send your code to Github?

//git push origin

  1. What does the -m in a Git commit command mean or do?

//Adds a message to the action (for example to the commit).

  1. What is the Git command for making a commit?

//git commit -m

  1. What is the Git command to select the files you want to add to a commit?

//git add //git add . (all modified files) 6. What is the Git command to see changes you have waiting to be committed?

//git status 7. What is the Git command to get changes from Github onto your computer?

//git pull origin
