MicroFocus / SilkAppDriver

Silk AppDriver is an implementation of the W3C WebDriver protocol for native (Windows) and mobile (Android and iOS) applications, built on top of Silk Test.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Silk AppDriver

Silk AppDriver is an implementation of the W3C WebDriver protocol for native (Windows) and mobile (Android and iOS) applications, built on top of Silk Test. The purpose of this project is to enable users of Silk Test to write tests for all kinds of applications using the WebDriver API in addition to the existing Silk Test APIs.



  • Download the latest Silk AppDriver release from GitHub
  • Run the Silk AppDriver server from the command line: java -jar silk-appdriver.jar
  • Run your tests against a RemoteWebDriver pointed to that server (http://localhost:8080 by default)
  • To use a different port than 8080 run Silk AppDriver with the server.port system property, for example java -Dserver.port=8123 -jar silk-appdriver.jar


Here's a minimal example written in Python that automates notepad.exe using Silk AppDriver:

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Remote(
  desired_capabilities={'app': '%WINDIR%\\notepad.exe'})

textfield = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//TextField")
textfield.send_keys("hello from python!")

driver.find_element_by_xpath("//PushButton[@caption=\"Don't Save\"]").click()


Further examples can be found here:


To build Silk AppDriver on the command line:

  • Make sure you have silktest.jtf:18.0 in your local maven repository (See "Adding the JTF to your local Maven repository" in our "Embracing Open Source" blog post.)
  • Build the project with maven (mvn clean install)
  • Run the Silk AppDriver server from the command line: java -jar target/silk-appdriver.jar

To build Silk WebDriver in the IDE:

  • Import the Silk AppDriver project into Eclipse (at least 4.6.0) and build with maven.



The controller stub was auto-generated based on the "List of Endpoints" in the WebDriver standard using a simple Silk4J script. That can be found here: appdriver-generate

Current status

Silk AppDriver is still in an early stage and needs your help and contributions to get better!

Locator strategies

Only xpath is currently supported as a locator strategy. Ony "Silk Test xpath" locators will work.


The following table lists all methods listed in the W3C spec and the current status of the implementation in Silk AppDriver.

Command Status Comment
New Session Done
Delete Session Done
Status Done
Get Timeouts TODO
Set Timeouts TODO
Go Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Get Current URL Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Back Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Forward Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Refresh Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Get Title Done
Get Window Handle Done
Close Window Done
Switch To Window Done
Get Window Handles Done
Switch To Frame Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Switch To Parent Frame Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Get Window Rect Done
Set Window Rect Done
Maximize Window Done
Minimize Window Done
Fullscreen Window Done
Get Active Element TODO
Find Element Done
Find Elements Done
Find Element From Element Done
Find Elements From Element Done
Is Element Selected TODO
Get Element Attribute TODO
Get Element Property Done
Get Element CSS Value Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Get Element Text Done
Get Element Tag Name Done Yields the class name
Get Element Rect Done
Is Element Enabled Done
Element Click Done
Element Clear Done
Element Send Keys Partly done Missing: Handling of special keys
Get Page Source Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Execute Script Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Execute Async Script Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Get All Cookies Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Get Named Cookie Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Add Cookie Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Delete Cookie Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Delete All Cookies Done Not supported (yields "unknown command")
Perform Actions TODO
Release Actions TODO
Dismiss Alert TODO
Accept Alert TODO
Get Alert Text TODO
Send Alert Text TODO
Take Screenshot Done Takes a screenshot of the entire desktop
Take Element Screenshot Done


The biggest TODOs currently are:

  • Add more tests!
  • Add tests in other Selenium languages!
  • Implement the ability to specify more of the Silk Test BaseState options (through capabilities?)
  • Implement attribute/property retrieval. Do we need to distinguish between the two?
  • Implement handling special keys in sendKeys (map to Silk Test keys!)
  • Implement screenshot API
  • Implement customizable timeouts and other options
  • Implement window handling and switching between multiple windows
  • Add a possibility to get TrueLog files. Maybe we can use executeScript with a custom command to start/stop TrueLog?
  • Implement other locator strategies (by Id, by className, ... should be easy to map to XPath)
  • Implement alert handling
  • Implement action API
  • Add support for mobile and web apps
  • The Java client bindings (among others) support a Select helper method. Internally this relies on a couple of specifics (tag name has to be "select", children have to be "options", ...). Can we make that work with our combo boxes as well?


Code provided in this repository is licensed under the Apache 2.0.


You want to contribute to Silk AppDriver? Great!

Changes may be contributed after signing the Micro Focus Individual Contributor License Agreement 1.0. Signed contributor agreements are to be sent, via PDF, to licensing@microfocus.com. You will be notified via email when the agreement has been accepted by Micro Focus.


Silk AppDriver is an implementation of the W3C WebDriver protocol for native (Windows) and mobile (Android and iOS) applications, built on top of Silk Test.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%