MichaelChaoLi-cpu / AssistantFuctions

This repo mainly includes the self-defined function in r to make the research go smoothly.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo mainly includes the self-defined function in r to make the research go smoothly.

Mandatory Rules

All mandatory rules of this repo are included in the MandatoryRules.md


Name: 07_AF_OutputSplmImpactFunction_V1.R
Intro: This function is to output spml model impacts in the DP05 repo https://github.com/MichaelChaoLi-cpu/COVID-19_and_Land_Cover_NDVI. Keyword: "spml", "impacts", "spatial panel model"

Necessary Tips of Python

Install Package

When we install package in Anaconda Prompt, we meet "Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve". That my be our conda version is too old we need to update it.

First we use codes in Anaconda Prompt (Win) or Terminal (MacOS, Linux):

conda update

There will be some hints. For example in the windows, it require us to type:

conda update --prefix D:\Anaconda anaconda

Then wait. The updation should go step by step. It might take a long time, if your conda is very old.

Sometimes, they still do not work, we might use the follow code:

conda config --set channel_priority false


This repo mainly includes the self-defined function in r to make the research go smoothly.

License:Apache License 2.0